SCP One Shot (OC)

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[In this world, there are always many numb, ignorant and bumbling people.]

[These people are the foundation of the world.]

[These human beings who are constantly troubled by trivial matters have no idea that, within the calm and seemingly carefree world, there are many beings of various energies. Whom, through their existence and all of their special abilities, are constantly disturbing the entire world and laughing at all the ignorant carbon-based beings.]

[And it was at this time that a mysterious and vast organisation was revealed in the inner world.]

[It has a technology that is beyond this time, and it has taken in and controlled these non-living beings by all sorts of strange means to protect the poor, weak human race.]

[We call it, the SCP foundation.]

..."Are you conscious?"

When Hadeon opened his eyes after entering the copy, he saw an extremely pale finger, waving gently in front of his face. As the finger waved, the wristwatch attached to it also caught his attention. On the left-hand side of the watch was a "B" inscribed in an intricate pattern.

When the finger was removed, Hadeon saw a man with a mechanical smile, as if it had been carefully measured by a computer and etched into the flesh. He approached the reclining brunette with his face as if to observe Hadeon's state.

"An extremely mechanical facial expression even the most difficult to control movements around the eyes look like they have been carefully measured."

"This man should have undergone rigorous military training. Seems to be an agent? Guardsmen?"

Hadeon thought in his mind.

Hadeon moved his body, and he found himself strapped to a removable bed, made of some very secure material, with the same kind of rare metal bedpan. The man placed his hand gently on the edge of the bed board, he felt a slight sense of weightlessness, the image above his head showed no sign of movement, they seemed to be riding in some kind of elevator-like existence, moving downwards constantly.

Hadeon frowned and tried to move his fingers, finding that his body was not powerless, and as usual, he was still able to move freely - which meant that the men had not injected themselves with anything strange to further restrain themselves.

It was just that the straps that were binding him were made of some special material he hadn't seen before, and he didn't see a single possibility of being able to break free. And it wasn't just his limbs that were bound; feeling the taste of the plastic-like material that filled his mouth, Hadeon frowned and gave a mental sneer.

"So should I be thankful?"

Should he be glad they didn't have his eyes and ears sealed off? Just like before? This place gave him a bad feeling, a sense of déjà vu disgust.

"Be good and don't move."

Sensing Hadeon's sobriety, the man stroked his hair with his other hand, as if he were caressing some small animal.

"We'll give you a check-up later, don't worry, it'll be quick, it'll be done within a blink of an eye."

The man said with a slight smile at Hadeon.

An examination?

Hadeon observed that behind the man stood more than a dozen people in white uniforms. The snow-white uniforms covered their faces, revealing only a pair of eyes, and it was impossible to even see if they were male or female. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he noticed that the moment the men in uniform raised their hands, a few signs were similarly revealed below their wrists.

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