53: of normality

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A week of Clare's absence from school passed.

On Friday, the papers announced that Ian Neil had, too, lost in a defamation lawsuit charged against him by Lockwood Co.

That Saturday 8am, Elliot sat at the dining table of his house, sitting across Richard.

Somewhere probably in the living room Gerald waited, as they breakfasted.

Breakfast with Richard was a rare occurrence. Usually before the sun rose, he was already in office.

Something was about to happen.

He'd even gotten Gerald to choose an attire for Elliot- a blue button-up paired with a matching navy blazer, and hot-pressed long pants.

Elliot chewed, trying to taste the oatmeal.

Richard spoke, in his baritone, gentle voice.

"You'll be studying abroad. Business. In the UK."

It was like a lump had formed in his throat.

Elliot couldn't swallow. There was only one thing he was expected to say. "Okay."

"After you finish your bachelors in the UK, you'll be finishing your masters there as well."

He wanted to put down his spoon.

"In your years of childhood you used to talk much about...art." A small smile entered Richard's voice at the last word.

It was a sound of amusement, like he was laughing at a bad joke.

"So your wish will be granted. I'll allow you to work as manager of Lockwood Gallery. First as an intern of course, because people will talk. Later, you'll oversee the gallery and art foundation alongside the head curator."

It was a flawless choice by Richard.

To show the world that he showed mercy and depthless forgiveness to the boy who betrayed him.

But at the same time, to signal that the position of heir would never be open to the betrayer.

To punish him, by subjecting him to the never overtly shown but not so effortfully concealed disdain and mockery of all in the art industry.

Elliot was convinced he'd get indigestion.

"...Thank you."

Having heard all that he needed to hear, Richard wiped his mouth with his napkin, and stood.

"You will not break up with the Horan girl without my permission. Understood?"

They were not to escape the public's mockery and wrath without his permission.

Elliot's grip on the spoon loosened. "Yes. Dad?"

Slowly, Richard's eyes diverted to Elliot with open anticipation, with amusement.

As a snake would entertain a frog. "Yes?"

"Please...leave Clare alone. You will keep your promise, won't you?"

"Of course." Richard muttered, his voice softening.

He came up to Elliot, and after looking into his face as if in contemplation, raised his hand.

Instinctively, Elliot found himself flinching, squeezing his eyes shut. When he felt only the shadow of Richard over him, did he realize Richard's hand was stroking his hair.

Tightening his grip on the spoon, Elliot let out the breath he'd been holding.

"Of course. I will keep my promise." Richard was smiling, benignly. "As long as you remain good."

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