60: after the farewell

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"'Imprisonment' is a false accusation, Your Honor.

"I protected my wife from prying journalists and gossipmongers who only sought out to besmirch her reputation with rumors about her mental health."

"It is a false accusation, Your Honor. I have not, in any manner, used my son or any cash, to blackmail and extort advantages from the mentioned corporate and government individuals.

"I simply brought along my son because he wanted to be in my presence at all times. We had strong parent-child attachments especially when he was young."

"I do not admit to the fault, Your Honor. The actresses gassed themselves in the room and sought to put the blame on myself and Mr. Michael Horan.

"They were resentful that I refused to yield to their requests of speaking to casting directors to give them unfair advantage."

"I did not conceal the death of Elliot's biological mother Sophia Chase. I was not aware of her death. We had not spoken in many years."

"Dylan Grady's death is nothing but suicide, Your Honor. I refuse to yield to forcible interrogations that attempt to sully my reputation and undermine the very foundations of my family."

"Your Honor, as the head of Lockwood Co., I have spent the chief of my life contributing back to the economy.

"Generating jobs. Creating products that bettered the lives of our citizens.

"I might have lacked in many ways, but I always sought to set an example, to give back to the community."

The court trial with Richard Lockwood as defendant, did not come to an end even after a whole year passed.

Names of many more individuals- victims and accomplices- came up, implicated in crimes of bribery, embezzlement, fraud, murder and others. That included Gerald.

Elliot did not once step into court.

Landon maintained his distance as well, until Richard one day said before the judge-

"Your Honor, I have always sought to contribute back to the community. For example, I have adopted Alex Chase and brought him up as Elliot Lockwood."

His lip curled in disdain, Landon announced in court, "Elliot is my father's biological son. And he was physically, psychologically abused by myself and my father."

Even the fifty per cent of the public who'd been giving Richard Lockwood the benefit of doubt, completely turned against the man after the one testimony from Landon.

With simple genetic testing and additional testimonies from individuals like Dr. Maloney, Landon's statement was not hard to prove.

Some video clips and voice recordings from Isabella were leaked to the public.

Officially and irrevocably, Richard had become the national son of a bitch.

My father Michael Horan was in court trial for his role as an accomplice in murder.

His name was cleared for all other crimes. I didn't watch any of his court trials.

~ * ~

12 years later

"You and Elliot broke up that day you stayed over at the hotel?"

"That evening," I nodded, and pointed to the bag of coffee beans with a grin. "A decaf cup?"

"Oh, yes, please."

The sharp smell of coffee beans permeated the cafe. Outside, a few customers were bathing themselves in the afternoon sun, tucking into croissants, bagels and coffee.

Crazy but Sweet, Sweet but CrazyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα