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Anna's POV
I picked Taylor up and leaned her against the wall outside the bathroom. I tried finding some water to see if that would wake her up.

I found a needle on the ground. It was labeled Propofol...

"TAYLOR!" I heard seeing Tyler.

He crouched down next to her picking her up.

"Propofol. That's used to put people under anesthesia.." Lily said taking the used needle.

"What in hells world happened here." We here's seeing Taylor's dad.

"This fucking sick fuck was gonna rape her." I said bring James out.

Before I knew it Tyler tackled him to the ground. He wrapped his hands around his throat putting all his pressure.

"Tyler that's enough." His dad said and he was angry.

"First you ignore a safe word. Second you fucking try to rape her!" He yelled.

He was so close to probably killing him. I looked at Taylor and she was passed out cold.

"Tyler that's enough." The dad pulled him off. James let out a loud choke of a breath.

We all look at Mr. Anderson who looked calm but I knew he was angry.

"Take her home. And Tyler use this to take her out of the dose." He said giving Tyler a shot that was unused and was capped.

Tyler have the shot to me and picked Taylor up. I looked at Lily and I forgot she was here with me.

"Go Anna. She's your bestfriend I'm not gonna take that away. I'll find a ride home." She said and I shook my head no.

"I'm gonna send an Uber alright? I'm so sorry this was never meant to happen." I said and she shook her head no.

"Hey update me alright? Make sure she's okay." She said and I nodded.

"I'm sending an Uber right now!" I said and getting into my car.

I drove down to Taylor's house and we laid Taylor on her bed.

"Needle." Tyler said and I handed it to him.

He knows what he's doing. He's done this before?

"She will wake up in 10-30." He said wrapping the needle ups rn going downstairs.

I laid on the bed bringing her close to me. I played with her hair as she laid there.

"I'm so sorry. I should have been with you." I whispered.

I texted Lily making sure she got into her Uber. I followed the car to make sure they were going the right way.

Tyler came back with food. I was some left over pasta and sprite. Weird combination...

"You said James didn't ignore the safe word... does that mean he totally lost it with the safe word?" I asked him.

"Taylor told me one night when she was drunk. She didn't remember telling me but I didn't bring it up and cause memories." He said and I nodded.

When Taylor started to wake up. She didn't feel like eating. She didn't feel well either.

I made her drink some sprite. She was laying her head on my chests as we put on how to train your dragon on her tv.

"It's okay." I whispered.

"H-Hold on what happened. We gotta get ready for that party?" She said.

"Wha- no? The party is over." I said.

"You slept through it so dad wanted you to get your beauty sleep." Tyler said laughing.

I looked at Tyler confused. He just told me to play it off by mouthing.

"Oh. Well then I'm gonna go back to sleep." She said covering herself up.

She stuck her head in my neck and fell asleep fast. Tyler got his phone out and texted me.

"I'll tell you everything later. For now just make sure she's okay." He said.

I nodded at him and he left the room. I turned the tv to put on my playlist and Taylor's light snoring was cute.

But as well she was also drooling all over me and I was still in a suit somehow. I moved her carefully and grabbed one of Taylor's big sweatshirt that's literally humongous.

It got me alright and I just wore my plain boxers. I climbed back in bed and held Taylor who was sleeping against my chest now.

I turned the light off and texted Lilly asking if she got home safe. And she did. I kissed the top of Taylor's head and she snuggled into me more.

Tyler's Pov
"You gave him the Propofol liquid." I said and dad scoffed.

"It was used when she lashes out to violently." He said.

"DID SHE LASH OUT?! NO!" I yelled.

"She was instead had an attempt over rape from her ex boyfriend that seemingly doesn't do great in sex!" I said.

"Oh whatever. He doesn't have anymore." He said.

"But you were the cause of this. You have to stop giving those out or someone is going to take advantage of her and hurt her really bad." I said.

"She will be fine. Just go." He said and I laughed.

"This will be pinned on you one day. And you won't be able to do a single thing." I whispered.

"I have my ways. She made us lose our deal. She probably wasn't even assaulted she was probably faking it." He said and I slapped him straight across the face.

"Never. Say that. Your her father. Your our father! You've changed and a father doesn't drug their own daughter." I said grabbing my bags and leaving.

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