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Anna's POV
I drove to Taylor's house with so much anger. I walked into her house as she was about to fall asleep.

"You fucking low life." I said opening her door.

"Anna?" She mumbled turning the light on.

"Okay you could have fucked anyone in the fucking school. But you chose Camilla?" I said as she looked at me.

"Anna- I don't understand." She mumbled.

"Stop fucking playing with me this isn't funny." I said and she was still rubbing her eyes.

"I haven't fucked anyone?" She said sitting up.

"Plus if I did, did you think I'd really leave any proof behind?" She asked with a light chuckle.

"Taylor I'm fucking serious here!" I said and she looked at me.

"You can't just swoop my girlfriend out from under my nose! It's not fair!" I yelled.

"Can we not yell?" She mumbled.

"Than maybe you should speak the fucking truth!" I yelled again.

"I am speaking the truth! Your just not listening!" She went back with.

"Oh I'm listening. I never thought you could swoop this fucking low on me!" I yelled as she looked terrified.

"Anna-" she started when I cut her off.

"Your sick." I said so sternly.

"Your fucking sick! And.. and you need help! That's what you need." I said.

I turned around trying to calm myself. I looked at her as she wasn't crying, wasn't terrified, just nothing...

"You know. I'm fucking glad I'm leaving this shithole. Never though my entire 18 years you could swoop this... this fucking low with me." I said as she looked at me.

"Wait... your leaving?" I heard as I turned.

"Yeah. What you glad? For fuck sakes get some fucking help." I said walking towards her door.

"Don't even bother calling me. Don't call me your best friend when you do that to me." I said and before she could say anything else I left.

I paused as I may have done a bad mistake. I panicked, I got angry at her. fuck. I clenched my fists before seeing her dad get home.

"Anna... hello. How was prom?" He asked me.

"I- it was good... sir." I said and he looked at me.

"What's with sudden change in manners?" He asked grabbing himself a beer.

Taylor's in for a night with him...

"I... I don't know, but I better get going. I have a family at home." I said and he nodded as I walked out.

I saw a car pull up seeing Camilla. She ran up to me straight on my torso body.

"Anna! You did not just..." she said as we saw a light turn off in the house... Taylor's bedroom.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I said pushing her off of me.

"Anna! no you have to listen to me!" She yelled as I got in my car and drove out of the driveway.

I didn't feel angry anymore... I felt a little guilt but it felt good to get soemthing out. I didn't know that this could happen. I mean out of all people she had to go for my girlfriend.

She could literally fuck the entire school if she wanted. Obviously I still haven't lost the feelings I have for her but I feel so... lost.

I got a call as the name Eva popped up. I answered hearing her voice.

"Hey! Bad time to call?" She asked and I smiled.

"Nah I'm just heading home... after a long night but what's up." I said as I decided to take the long way home.


I didn't see Taylor for the rest of the school year. I didn't bother talking to Camilla and I didn't even bother to see where Taylor was.

She graduated though... heard her name called out but someone else took her diploma instead. Her brother...

He picked it up when they called her name. I could say I'm proud of her for it. Even though I'm not talking to her I do miss her.

I even tried calling her a couple times. Wanted to say sorry for yelling at her. Never did answer any of my calls.

Her dad did come over and visit with my mom. I tried eavesdropping but mom caught me. Turns out Taylor hasn't left her room in days.

They got in multiple fights and wouldn't pick up on a graduation party like my family did. They invited Taylor to celebrate too but she turned it down fast.

I was gonna try to go visit her but my flight is in 12 hours and I haven't slept. I looked at the texts with me and Taylor to find out she blocked me. She blocked me on everything...

As doing so, I got a text from Camilla. Wanted to meet up before she went on vacation.

We met at the parking lot as she had a boy with her. She moved on pretty fast...

"Anna... this is Taylor... Taylor Davis..." she said and I just stared at her.

"Taylor... as the boy you hooked up with while dating me?" I asked and she nodded.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you Anna! You never listen! You jump through things without thinking or an explanation! You owe Taylor such a big apology!" She said as I felt the guilt swallow me up.

I jumped in the car heading over Taylor's house. I knock on the door which opened to her dad.

"Aye... she's in her bedroom. Might not be too pretty though." He said.

I knocked on the door of her room to be responded with a silence. I knocked again and tried the doorknob.

"Keys in the curtain." Her dad said as I rushed.

Flight leaves in less than 2 hours and the drive to the airport is an hour.

"Taylor?" I called out as I looked around.

"Tay?" I whispered seeing her body in bed.

"Hey Tay Tay I'm right here." I said making my way though bottles and a shit smell of weed.

I slid in the bed as I checked her pulse. Thank god she still breathing. I can tell she's awake due to her fast breathing.

"I know... no amount of sorrys I say to you won't admit to what I've said... I have to leave soon but I really want to say I'm sorry." I said.

She didn't talk. She didn't move she just laid there.

"I realized it was the wrong Taylor... that was on me... and I... fucking regret what I said so much." I kept going.

"I know you blocked me... and I know you probably hate my guts so much right now and you have every right to do so."

"I love you so fucking much. And I will visit you. Doesn't matter if you don't want to see me. I will always come back for you. Please don't be afraid to text me." I said checking the time.

"And my mom definitely will love to have you over. So if you need someone to talk to you can always go to your second family."

She didn't speak. Didn't move an inch. She just laid there as I see the whites of her eyes. Her body laying steadily with breathing.

I left as I felt my cloud up with tears. I looked at her dad and he shook his head. I got a call from my mom to hurry up.

Fuck... I regret things so much right now.

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