100 level curse

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My name is gray & it's been 365 days since I started to shit they call of game

Let me tell you 1 interesting fact about it

Everything in the game is real

Made by the makers of the game

Everything in the game is survival of the fitiles

& if you die in the game your family in the real world will die too

I know bullshit right

I was the 1st to enter since I got nothing left in my life

I was 18 when I joined the game & made my way through the 1st 50 with little to no problem

The more I gain up the levels other people joined the game unwilling & somes died in porut of the far away wealth at the end of the game

Now I'm at level 99 & just doing the waiting game so I can pass the drester that is in my way

As my time came to be another player in the game found me

Her name is beans & like her she had nothing left in this world & tried anything to live

We got to know 1 another more & unlike the other players that made it close to even making it to the end; Beans & I fell in love with each other romantically

The more closer we got to know each other the horny we both got to need more

It too us nearly 3 months to finally get enough food & water to last the tip to the 100th level

By that time we gained more players which made all of this more interesting

When it came to to walk the distance most of the players didn't make it of utter craziness they got from the heat

Since I planned the trip out carefully I made it with Beans & decided to rest for awhile from the long journey we had

We knew it was best not to plan too far ahead into the near future since just trying to live in the game was enough for us at the moment

In the 100th level Beans & I were all that was left of the players since they couldn't withstand the struggle of mind beating pain that came from the walk which it did last a few days after the arrived

I'm not allowed to speak about what did happen in the 100th level or I might die since a lot of the info was top secret to this day

All I'm able to say is I did have sex with Beans & we did make it out alive with a little help from the makers for the games [ again can't speak about it] but will be able to talk when their dead

Beans & I now live on a pirate beach for winning the game & have our own farm now

Yeah I know not what you were expecting, but hey a story is a story

[my apologies for this story not making sense. I have so many things going on im my head that it was hard for me to even make this story in the 1st place]

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