Chapter 6

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Claude Debussy, a French composer born the twenty-second of August in the year 1862, the year he died was 1918. His artworks expressed the ideals of impressionist and symbolist painters and writers during the time he was alive. One could describe impressionism as being a static harmony, that emphasis instrumental timbres and steers away from the traditional music form. Symbolism being, the expression of one's emotional experience through a symbolized language. One of his more popular works was La Mer, composed in 1905. And for eight years, Debussy had an affair with Blanche Vasnier, but his affairs did not stop with this women. Debussy had multiple affairs when he was alive, another devil who influenced this world we live in.

    Frédéric Chopin, a Polish composer born the first of March in the year 1810, the year he died was 1849. As a young child, he was seen as a prodigy, by the age of seven years old, Chopin  wrote a Polonaise in G minor. Writing a total of total of twenty one nocturnes. Nocturnes, Op. 9 being his most famous piece, or rather his most well known. For nine years, Chopin had an affair with George Sand, a French Novelist whose real name was Aurore Dupin Dudevant.

    Devils are everywhere, especially those of aristocrats.

    The record player in the family living room was playing, the Ballade no. 1 in G minor, op. 23, a solo piano by Frédéric Chopin. A song that Chopin dedicated to Baron Nathaniel von Stockhausen, who was the Hanoverian ambassador of France in the year 1835. One of my favorite pieces by Chopin, a beautiful work of art.

    Picture it, my dear. It was a beautiful sight, you may understand if I describe it to you in detail. I was in heaven, my oh my, if heaven is a real place, I was there that day. Standing at the top of the stairs, it was as if I was god himself. Staring down at a fallen angel, a devil in disguise. A devil now in hell, where devils belong. The person I used to call my mother, was the same as the man whose song was playing that day. Both devils. Sinful creature, infesting this world that we live in.

    I saw the color of crimson red that day, running down the floor where she laid.

    Even more beautiful when you are staring at the death of a devil. A beautiful sight it was. I wonder what it is like, hell that is. The bible describes Hell as a place where someone receives an eternal conscious punishment, someone- being the devils that walk on this earth. They can be the people who greet us at the front desk of our apartment building, the people who work along side us, the people who cook our food and make our drinks. Devils go along living life in a surreptitious- secret manner, deceiving their way through life.

    It was rather exquisite, staring down at a devil. Frédéric Chopin, playing on the record player that stood across the staircase, where my mother's lifeless body laid. Her naked body, still tempting those around her, even as she lied there, dead.

    Though, devils have been wondering this earth far before I was born- that day made me realize what my purpose in life was. To destroy all devils that appear before me.

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