Mothers Know Best

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Lucy pulls up at Angela's house. The drive over was a haze. When she couldn't find Angela at Wilshire Station, she made brief excuses to Chris about a rain check and planed to go home and down a bottle of wine. Instead some unstoppable force propelled her to Angela's house. She walks up to Angela's bungalow in her quiet subdivision prepares to knock before she can have second thoughts.

Scene inside the house:
Patrice is feeding baby Jackson. Wesley is opening a bottle of wine and Angela is putting away the left over Indian food.

Patrice: Wes you know you have tried to change the system but your basically putting out small fires while the wild fire rages on I think you have to change it from the inside. It's a unique opportunity. What do you think, Ang?

Angela: I understand his goals and what he is trying to do; I just don't want him to lose his self in the process. (Angela glances with concern at Wesley, she remembers all to well the danger that happened last time he lost his way)

Wesley: (kisses Angela's nose and looks her in the eyes). I know why your worried but I got this. (Cups Angela's cheek) I love you.

Angela: (leans in to his hand) I lo....

An abrupt knock interrupts her response. Patrice who has finished feeding Jackson goes to open the door.

Patrice: Lucy!? What a pleasant surprise, how are you dear? (Wopez exchange concerned looks as Lucy bounds in)

Lucy: (seeming startled and suddenly remembering where she is and it's Mother's Day) Oh? Oh! I am interrupting. I shouldn't be here. This can wait I'm sorry. (Lucy turns to leave.)

Mothers intuition kick in for both Patrice and Angela they simultaneously voice their concerns.

Patrice: Are you ok Honey? Did you hear from your mom?
Angela: Did something happen to Tim?!

Lucy jolts to a sudden stop.  Shakes her head trying to shake off the anguish she is feeling. 
Lucy: No..I mean my mom texted me thanking me for the flowers but has otherwise been that's the same I guess. Patrice squeezes her hand and leads her to the island in the kitchen.

Patrice: (looking toward Wesley) I think we need another glass for Lucy, dear.  (Wesley silently nods and grabs a glass from the cabinet.

Angela: (Using detective eyes on Lucy) Lucy! Is Tim ok?! 

Lucy: (suddenly remembering why she is here and glares in Angela's direction and hops up abruptly from the bar stool almost knocking the glass of wine out of Wesley's hand) For now.. oh! Sorry.  (Takes the wine and drinks a fortifying sip before carrying on)

Angela: (with a glib smile) So maybe I should be asking what did Tim did, now?!(Takes a sip of wine)

Lucy: I need you teach me how to put a curse on Tim.  Nothing too serious.... I don't want anything to fall off or anything. 

Angela: Well, Duh.  I bet you don't.

Wesley coughs and sputters on the drink of wine he had just tried to take. Angela pats him on the back and chuckles at him softly.

Wesley:  On that note I can't be present for this conversation.  I need probable deniability in case I have to defend you in a court of law for whatever this is... or prosecute you...either way.  (Scoops Jackson up from high chair kisses his mom and Angela) I have bed time routine tonight. (He blows raspberry's on Jackson's belly and sound of baby giggles float off scene.)

Angela clears her throat bringing the attention back to her.
Angela:  This better be good if you want me to help you curse my best friend.

Patrice: I think you should start at the beginning dear.

(Lucy sinks back on to the kitchen bar stool and covers her face in her hands.)
Lucy: Patrice you saw how clueless he was being about the signals he was sending Ashley. He kept insisting he wasn't proposing it was just a vacation..Lucy pauses gathering her thoughts and thinks about earlier today in the shop.

As she tells you the story we **flashback**Lucy:can you see yourself married to her? Tim: yes I can.  Lucy remembered how small the shop felt when he said that like it was closing in on her.

Angela: (Cocks her head in disbelief) He actually wants to waste a second marriage on Ashley, that's ridiculous she is not going to challenge him enough. 

Lucy: (Despite herself jumps to Tim's defense) Tim would never go into a marriage not thinking it would be forever.  He stayed loyal to Isabel and he didn't even see her for year you know he's not like that.  The next person he marries will be he is forever.

Patrice: (While glancing asconse at Angela) You seem awfully protective of someone you are all fired up to put a curse on, dear. 

Lucy: What?! (Shakes head in jerky motion) No. I'm not.  I mean it's not like that.

Angela: (Smirks before pulling herself together) No of course its not.. so back to the reason you want me to help you curse Tim?

Lucy pauses long enough to gather her thoughts and takes another sip of wine.
Lucy: So you know how Tim and I like prank each other?

Angela: (all knowing glance) mm-hmm

Lucy: Tim fake proposed to Ashley out side the station just to prank me, can you believe the nerve?!

Angela downs the rest of her wine.  Patrice gently rubs circles on Lucy's back. 

Angela: Oh now I see.  This is going to be fun.  Curses are not something to be entered in to lightly.  They can have unforeseen consequences.  My Abuella would agree with performing some magic in this case though.  Are you sure you want this Lucy?

Lucy: (Nods resolutely) Your not going to hurt him though, right? Nothing permanent and (Clears throat nervously) nothing will fall off?!

Angela: I will always have Tim's best interest at heart don't worry.  Now I need something Tim has given you...for the spell.....You'll get it back. 

Lucy frowns and looks down to her hands.  She spies the ring that led Tim to her when Caleb kidnapped her.  She hasnt removed it since he returned it to her. 
Lucy: You promise I'll get it back? Not sure if this counts because he returned it to me more than gave it to me.  It's the ring that led him to me when he saved me from Caleb in the Desert.  I haven't taken it off since he.. I mean I feel safer with it...(she shakes her head unwilling to finish the thought out loud.

Angela: (Eyes lighting up and smile curling in the corner of her lips). It's perfect.  I promise I'll return it to you tomorrow by end of Shift. 

Lucy:  (Hesitantly lays it in Angela's outstretched hand) Ok I'll see you tomorrow then.

Exits front door. 

Patrice and Angela watch as the door clicks shut and Lucy Chen fades in to the dark night. 

Patrice: What? So now you are going curse Tim?

Angela: (Absentmindedly playing with Lucy's ring) Not exactly...I'm just going give fate a little push and see if Tim can find his own way to the truth.

She gets several small ziplock baggies from pantry she gently places the ring in one and swabs the wine glass Lucy drank from with a q-tip and labeled it LC.  Knowing she will likely need saliva from both Tim and Lucy for the potion. She places both baggies in safely in the center drawer of the kitchen island.
Fade out to commercial brake.

The Rookie: the curse of duality  (episode 4x21.5/4x22)Where stories live. Discover now