Every Thing She Does is Magic

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Scene fades in Angela pulls into a cemetery in east LA she had planned to go to her Abuelas grave but that's not where she ended up...

Angela: Hey Jackson it's been a while since I came to visit you but I think of you every day. Little Jackson will do something and I will know your watching and smiling down on him.
Like, he got in trouble at school the other day because he was giving his friends "tickets" for not sharing or running in the classroom. It was hard to correct his behavior when all I wanted to do was laugh and high five him. (She sits and picks at the grass seeming to gather her thoughts and her courage to talk about why she really came her to discuss)
You were the best of us you know. You were loyal and had the strongest moral compass of anyone I know. I still hear your voice like an angel on my shoulder when I'm deciding what to do in a situation. I am sure you have been watching Lucy and Tim dance around each other for months. I don't even think they realize what they have become to each other. Lucy asked me for a curse and I promised her magic. I'm not technically lying to Tim. I promised I never would lie to him after what happened when you were a rookie but I guess I'm lying by omission. I just want to help fate and Tim see what's right in front of him. I just wish I knew I was doing the right thing. He's my best friend but she was yours, I wish I knew what you think.
(As if on cue a gentle breeze stirs and and Angela gets a look of tranquility and gentle tears form in her eyes) I promise to take care of them. I miss you Jackson.

*~jumps to next scene. Tamara and Nyla sit waiting in Angela's kitchen. They are eating off a vegetable platter Wesley put out on the island and drinking ginger ale. The door opens and Angela enters. Nyla and Tamara exchange a dubious look.

Nyla: (eyes narrowed) Having second thoughts?

Angela: Wha..No I was struggling with keeping this from Tim. I went to the cemetery I thought I should talk to my Abuela but I ended up at Jackson's grave instead. I can't explain it but I know Jackson's on our side so I'm at peace with it.

Tamara:  I still talk to him like every day.  I feel like he's our guardian angel now.  (wipes a tear that escaped)

Nyla:  Ok let's do this.  What do we need first?

Angela:  Yeah I'm going to have a crabby kiddo soon so times a wasting.  Tamara, fill the stock pot on the stove about half full of water.  And put the heat on half way between low and medium we want a slow simmer not a boil.  Nyla, grab the lavender, sage, bergamot and myrrh and put it on the counter by the stove but don't add them to the pot yet.  The water has to be at the right temperature and when we do add them everything needs to be done with intention.  That is very important with magic the why and how you do things.  (Tamara and Nyla nod a little apprehensively but do as told)

Nyla: What is the significance of the...ingredients you chose?

Angela: (Through a chuckle) The lavender and the sage represent Lucy.  The lavender symbolizes her loyalty and devotion to those she loves.  She has shown this over and over to Tim throughout the years how she has helped him move on from Isabel, helped him get his promotion, helped him heal with his dad and sister.  The sage is wisdom and protection of home and family.  Lucy is arguably brilliant. I have lost count of the number of languages she speaks and there is no challenge we have given her that she hasn't excelled at but I need her to use that wisdom and see what is in front of her.  (Angela holds her hand over the pot to test the temperature) Ok is this is about ready.  First we will infuse the water with the essence of Lucy so the lavender and sage will become one with her.  (As she says this she swirls the q tip with Lucy's saliva in the warm pot)

Angela picks up the lavender and squeezes some of the oil into the pot. The beautiful floral smell fills the kitchen.  She the plucks several of the blooms and gently drops them in to the pot.  Then she takes sage and crushes the dried leaves and adds them too. 

Tamara: So I am assuming that the other 2 are for Tim?  What are they and what do they represent?

Angela: Bergamot  is supposed to help Tim be in a right state of mind to help him see and accept the beauty that is in front of him, and the Myrrh is to help him continue to over come the grief from his past and make him ready for his future and because he is the fierce protector especially when it comes to Lucy.

Nyla: Too true I've been on the wrong end of that. 

Tamara: (giggling) Officer Zaddy does not like Lucy in harms way even though she is basically a super hero and can take care of herself.

Nyla: Yeah she may be sunshine and rainbows but she is a WARRIOR.  (There is pride in her face as she says this)

Angela: I agree it's how I know she's good enough for Tim.  She is soft to his rough edges but she is far from weak. Ok Nyla you swirl Tim's essence in to the pot.  (As Nyla does this Angela grabs to bergamot and squeezes the juice from the citrus fruit in to the pot.  She adds the rinds she has saved.  Then carefully adds 5 drops of Myrrh. )

Angela lowers the burner temps slightly and stirs it she sets a timer for 5 minutes on her phone and turns to look at what's left on the counter and study her books of shadows. 

~The timer goes on off.

Angela:  Tamara grab that vial with the sand. 

Nyla:  (Brows pinched together) Is that sand from?

Angela: (Released on a sigh) The spell called for earth for grounding I felt it would strengthen the bond between them if it was from there.  Believe me it was harder than you could imagine to return to that spot.

~~Angela begins to chant
In the darkest night may true light shine bright~
She nods Tamara and Tamara uncaps the vial of sand sprinkles it in to the potion~
May the winds of west lead to true north.
~Angela silently sends a prayer to Jackson that he will help them guide the two
What once was lost and helped to be found may it lead the way to truest Love. 
~~Angela takes a dropper draws a little of the potion drops a few drops on on Lucy's ring than nods to Tamra and Nyla they form a circle around the ring and grab hands chanting in unison.
Long crawl to the tide all other be denied only love survive. Long crawl to the tide all others be denied all others be only love survive...

~~scene fades to commercial

The Rookie: the curse of duality  (episode 4x21.5/4x22)Where stories live. Discover now