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I would die for your heaven
I could lie here forever

It had only been a few minutes and he seemed to already know more about you than you thought you knew about yourself.

"My family is corrupt as hell, they never really gave a shit about me and used me as leverage any time they found it useful" they still did to this day and you didn't think they planned to stop making your life a living hell any time soon so you would just have to put up with it for now.

"My mom died when I was 12, I am the product of an affair my father had on his previous wife with someone he'd known for a while. Apparently they were best friends." you stared straight ahead. It felt nice to talk about this sort of thing with somebody, especially someone you knew could relate. "He blames me for her death, and sometimes i feel like maybe i am the reason she's dead but there's no point in dwelling on it." you shrugged. You didn't know why it was so easy to talk to him, you would've told him every detail about your life if you didn't stop yourself. "she died in a fire with a few other people, all I know is that it wasn't a natural caused fire"

You turned your head away from him. "how about you, tell me about yourself" you turned back, he was giving you a questioning look before he sighed and his shoulders sagged.

"I'm also the product of an affair my dad had on his previous wife, though he left her to be with my mother" he stared straight ahead as he leaned back into the seat. "my mom also died in a fire with a few other people, some place in kyoto" this made your brows raise.

"2011, october 29th" you both said simultaneously. It caught the two of you by surprise. What are the odds.

"what the fuck" you blurted, enunciating each word. It wasn't a bad what the fuck it was a shocked one. " no way"

"I was 16 when it happened, I was out with some friends and I didn't know about the fire until a few hours later and she wasn't home. I got worried and called around just to find out she had died in the fire. No one knows who started it" This was making your head hurt. You wanted to know what happened to your mother, maybe he could help you and you could help him. You were sure he wanted closure just as much as you did.

"do you want to know who did it?" he nodded his bead very subtly to where you almost didn't catch it. "how about we work together then, I have information you don't have and you have information I don't have" he scoffed as if it was the most insane thing he's ever heard. Maybe it was, you were from two families. It was the fact that your families were enemies so that didn't make the situation any better. If they found you were giving information to him they'd kill you same for him. But it was worth the risk, you wanted to know.

"you must be out of your mind" he scoffed but groaned when he realized you were serious. "no y/n, that's putting both of our lives in danger if they find out"

"but they won't find out, suguru please. I can't do it myself" you practically begged him.

He shook his head before dragging his hands down his face. "fine, but you need some kind of protection" you agreed and it was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "how about you move in with me, and i'll have a body guard for you for when you come to work or go places" it was a good idea but it seemed like it would be overwhelming. You didn't know if you wanted someone you didn't know following you around everywhere. But when you were thinking logically, it was better than being attacked everywhere you went.

You knew you'd still have a target on your back but at least you'd have some form of protection if something was to go down. Plus, they couldn't be that bad. It was only for a limited time anyways, you think you could deal. "and I want you to move in with me" now that knocked the wind out of your lungs as you struggled to breathe. "it's for your safety, im sure you don't your body guard sleeping in your home. With just you in it"

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