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"You don't have to leave now" Khadijah whined holding zainab tightly in her arm,

"I'm sorry, I wish I could stay here longer" Nadia said fixing the pin that just fell off her blue crinkled veil, "I'm going to miss you guys so much",

"I'll miss you more" Khadijah said cleaning the imaginary tears falling from her eyes, "come here" she pulled Nadia by her arm before embracing her tightly,

"zee zee zainab" Nadia pinched zainab's cheek playfully, "I'll miss you" she said rubbing her nose with zainab's.

"Let's go, we are getting late" Abdallah said behind them causing Nadia to turn towards him, she didn't know why he has been acting bitterly towards her since yesterday at the ice cream stall, he told her they were going to spend a week more in Turkey, but all of a sudden, he called it off saying they were leaving today. All the efforts she made to talk to him had proven futile.

"OK" she answered lowly, they bade Khadija and zainab goodbyes before they entered into the car that was going to convey them to the airport.



"Abdallah" Nadia called out when they got into the compound of their house, but he walked off pretending like he didn't hear her, "Abdallah" she called again quickening her steps, so she could catch up with him, "Abdallah are you okay?" she said when she succeeded in making him stop, but he was still backing her. She used her hand to hold his arm, so he could face her, but he jerked it off aggressively,

"get your filthy hands off me" he bellowed, causing Nadia to quickly leave his arm in fear, "don't ever touch me with those hands" he said in a low irate tone, "get that into your head" he boomed making Nadia shudder in fear, he scowled at her one more time before banging the door loudly.

Nadia stood rooted in her position with a bewildered expression. She was confused as to why he acted like that when she was only trying to check up on him after the long flight. She swallowed the pool of tears that were threatening to fall off her eyes. No! She won't shed any tears for him, not again.


In an elegantly designed living room, a man sat on the comfy couch with his leg crossed scrolling through his news feed when an email entered, causing his phone to ding loudly. He tapped on the mail to reveal its content. It turned out to be a blurred picture of a lady and a man trying to enter into a car. He tried to zoom the picture maybe it'll become clear, but it didn't.

"Who dare to send me something like this?" he questioned angrily, throwing his phone aggressively on the floor, causing it to make a creaking sound as the screen cracked. He gritted his teeth loudly, he hated it when people played pranks on him. He stood up to leave when he heard the phone vibrating, he hissed as he ambulated towards its direction under the centre table where it was lying with its screen facing the white shining tiled floor.

"What does he want again" he hissed seeing the name that showed on his broken screen, he rolled his eyes before tapping the green button,

"good day old-time friend" the person laughed loudly at the other side of the phone,

"what do you want again lukman?, what?" the man roared angrily,

"ahn ahn, calm down old friend" lukman said lowly, "have you not received my package for you?" he asked in a mocking tone,

"what package?" the man creased his forehead, "stop playing pranks on me lukman!",

"wait, wait now" lukman said calmly, "have you checked the picture?",

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