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"Habibi!" Aaima shouted from inside the room, "please can you help me zip my dress up, my hand can't reach it" she whined struggling to get hold of the zip behind her dress, "habibi",

"Babe what's wrong" Idris came into the room holding their 4-year-old son,

"please help me zip this up" she pleaded turning her back towards his direction, Idris released his hold on 'Hafiz'- their 4-year-old son. He fiddled with the zip just to tease her. He shifted her hair to the side to plant a small kiss on her neck. Aaima's breath hitched by his action, even after 5 years of their Marriage he still had that effect on her- I know you might be wondering how they got Married, well, Idris just came to her house on a blessed day when he was tired of keeping his emotions to himself, he asked for her hand in Marriage from her mum and she agreed since Idris has been her love from day one- "id-ri-s what are you doing" she stammered as she spoke, "look Hafiz is here" she said in a muffled tone,

"common he's not even looking" Idris said placing another kiss on her neck, "ok, ok I'll stop" he laughed when she elbowed him on the stomach, he took the zip all the way up before turning her to face him, "it's done" he declared smiling,

"thank you" she mouthed before picking up her veil to wrap it around her head, "have you packed the coolers into the car?" she asked Idris,

"Yes I've, we are good to go" Idris gestured by rubbing his palms together,

"that's why I love you habibi" she pecked him on the cheek which brought a smirk on his face. Aaima crouched down to Hafiz who had a stick sweet in his mouth, "you're excited to go to Aayan's mum house right?" she asked smiling,

"yaayy" Hafiz clapped happily, "aayan and waleed are my good friends, we will play" he jumped doing a dramatic turnaround for his parent,

"good, perfect" Aaima rubbed his arm before standing from her position, "only Allah knows what Nadia feeds this kid that always makes him excited to visit there" Aaima giggled facing her husband who is a lot taller than her,

"only Allah knows really" he smiled, Aaima carried Hafiz into her arms as the three of them walked to the car.
Aaima and Idris are going to drop Hafiz over at Nadia's place before they went to visit her father in prison. Well, Aaima father's sentence was later reduced to life imprisonment after Aaima, her mother and brother came kneeling to ask Idris for forgiveness. At first, they avoided Nadia and Idris because they couldn't face them, but they still wanted their father to live, so they didn't have any choice but to ask for forgiveness. Idris still didn't feel at peace when yunus was sentenced to death. Since they were the bereaved, they had a choice of choosing the punishment for yunus. Nadia and Idris forgave yunus and choose life imprisonment for him instead of death sentence.


Nadia opened the door when she heard the door ding, "Hafiz" she smiled as she picked the cute little fair complexioned boy from his mother's arm, she pinched the bridge of his nose before pecking him, "Aaima, ya Idris welcome" she opened the door widely for them, but they weren't entering,

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