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The door creaked as Nadia pushed it open, she muttered her salaams before entering into the living room,

"walaykum salam" Abdallah answered, he was lying on the two-seater sofa with his hand behind his head, "I've been waiting for you" he smiled when she approached him,

"ohh" she muttered lowly, Abdallah immediately noticed the expression she had on, He sat properly on the couch tapping the space he created beside him with his hand,

"seat here" he said, he used his hand to turn her face towards him, "are you OK?" he arched his brows, "what's wrong?" he asked, "is everything okay at home?, talk to me Nadia",

She stared into his eyes deeply, "on 4th of May 2014 was the day my life turned upside down", Nadia watched how Abdallah averted his gaze away from her, he held his head with his hand like he was preventing himself from thinking of something, "I was just a young teenage girl without any worries, I left my home, my mom, my dad, and my sister that day not knowing that would be the last time I'd set my eyes on them. I came to Abuja to spend a week holiday, I never knew I'll spend it forever" she sighed, Nadia was revealing the incident to him, so she could gauge his reaction. "I could remember vividly how devastated I felt when my whole family was bombed alive".
Nadia watched how fear clouded Abdallah's eyes, but there was something else, she could also detect pity in it. "Have you ever heard of that story?" tears glistened her eyes as she asked him, she held him by his wrist while gazing directly into his eyes,

"I've, but I n-never knew you were co-co-nnected to it" he stammered, horror was written on Abdallah's face as he talked, he placed his left hand on top of Nadia's hand that was holding his wrist,

"are you responsible for that event?" two tear drops fell from her eyes as she asked him the question she dreaded the most,

"what?, no-" Abdallah cut his sentence short like he just remembered something, the whole room turned silent except the sound of their raging breaths, Nadia prayed to Allah internally for everything to become easier, "yes I did" He answered tearing his face away from Nadia's gaze, it was like he didn't want her to see through him, he didn't want her to read him through his eyes,

"Abdallah, you're confessing to me that you killed my family, and you don't feel any remorse" she screamed into his ears, but he didn't budge, he was still avoiding her, "look into my eyes and tell me you did it, look into my eyes!" Abdallah slowly turned his face towards her, their eyes locked as they gazed at each other,

"I did it" he muttered in a shaky tone,
"I don't believe you Abdallah, your eyes says a different thing Abdallah" she said in a low tone, "why are you doing this Abdallah ?" she asked holding his cold hands, "the police are coming tomorrow, you have to tell them you didn't do it, you have to deny it" she cried, "Abdallah talk to me, don't stay silent"

"I can't say I didn't do it bec-" he rubbed his palm on his forehead, "Nadia if they arrest me, I can then pay for my sins" he declared,
"if you did it, how come you didn't kill me too?, why didn't you know who my real parents are?, you had countless chances to kill me also, why didn't you, so you'll achieve your aim completely, you can even kill me right now, then I'll believe you" she bellowed, "kill me" she said wrapping his hands around her neck,

Abdallah released his hand from Nadia's neck gently, "stop Nadia, stop already" he sobbed, "I didn't do it Nadia, it wasn't me" he cried, it wasn't me",

Nadia pulled him into a tight hug "I knew you can't" she smiled amidst tears, "I can help you escape, you don't have to face the police tomorrow, until the real culprit is found" she suggested when she broke out of the hug,

"if I do that, ummi will be in danger".


"Nadia take care of ummi" Abdallah said when the police handcuffed him, he smiled as the police took him inside their black hilux,

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