Chapter 14

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"Don't let them fool you!" A man cried out from behind me.

"I just said they can't!" This old man is an idiot.

"D-Don't fall for it... He's lying to you! He's an impostor! He isn't an examiner... I'm the real examiner." The man exclaimed.

"An impostor?" "What's going on?" "Then who is he?" Idiots all of them, this guy has no proof.

"Look at this..." The man said, pulling a monkey with the examiners face, out from behind him.

"He looks just like Satotz-san!" I didn't catch who said that, but if it was Gon I swear.

"It's a Man-Faced Ape, one of the creatures that dwell in the Numere Wetlands!" The man exclaimed.

"A Man-Faced Ape?" Someone asked. I- these people are all idiots.

"Man-Faced Apes love the taste of fresh human flesh. However their limbs are long and thin, so they're quite weak." The man continues. A weak person couldn't run over eighty kilometers!

"That's why they disguise themselves as humans. They trick humans into following them into these wetlands, where they team up with other animals to kill and devour them. He intends to trap every single applicant!" I swear how could anyone fall for this! The examiner hasn't even said a word! If he was trying to trick everyone into following him, he'd try to convince us that he's the real examiner!


"He certainly doesn't walk like a human." Literally only one fact against him! Wait what? The fake examiner was killed with... cards?


"I see, I see~" Hisoka? "That settles it you're the real one~" Finally someone with common sense!

"What? He's the real examiner?" "Huh?" The rest of them are definitely lacking.

"Examiners are Hunters, selected by the committee to perform this duty without pay~ Any Hunter, bearing the title we seek, would have been able to block that attack~" Hisoka explains while shuffling his cards. Wow he's really good at convincing people.

"I shall take that as a compliment. However, should you attack me again, for any reason, I will report you for turning on an examiner. And you will immediately be disqualified. Are we clear?"

"Sure~" I swear you should care more about this, but I'm not really one to talk.

"You will be encountering such deception on a regular basis. I believe that a number of you were fooled into suspecting my identity? Do you understand? If you lose sight of me in the Numere Wetlands fog, you will never reach the exam's Second Phase. Do bear that in mind. Then let us be on our way. Please follow me." The examiner turned and started running again.

"Tsk, another marathon." I hear the old man say behind me. "And we're running through marsh this time." He adds.

"Pay attention now. Be sure to stay close behind me. The fog is getting thicker."

"We should move up." Killua announces.

"Yeah, we don't want to lose sight of the examiner!" Gon replied

"Actually, I'm more concerned with increasing the distance between us and Hisoka. Killua explained. Okay Machi number two.

"Staying close to him is dangerous. I can smell it in the air." Killua added

"Smell? I don't think he smells?" Gon you're an Idiot. But if he does smell it's probably like candy, or something sweet.

"Leorio! Kurapika!" So that's his name. "Killua says we should move up!" Gon, I love you, but you need to go to school just as much as I need to go to therapy.

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