Chapter 38

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"This is a robbery! On the ground!" Someone shouted, shooting the ceiling a few times. Everyone immediately got in the ground, some falling off there chairs in the process. Which was fucking hilarious. But seriously, twice in one day!?

"You two! On the ground!" The guy shouted, pointing the gun at me and Killua. Out of boredom, I decided to cooperate, Killua following my lead.

"Why are we on the ground." Killua whispered to me. Amazing question! I have no idea.

"I'm bored." I whispered back, to which Killua just stared at me, then shrugged, well tried to. It's a difficult task to do when you're laying down.

"Give me all the cash in the register!" The guy yelled, pointing the gun at the cashier. The cashier stated putting the cash into a bag, then handed it to the guy.

"You won't get away with this! I've already called the cops!" A random guy yelled, fucking imbecile. The robber pointed the gun at the guy, whom instantly knew, he fucked up.

"Thanks for the warning." The robber replied, shooting the guy. Yo! Someone got shot this time! Maybe I won't kill this guy!

"Now, who wants the role of hostage?" The robber asked, my and Killua's hands instantly shot up. "Hmm? You both are... odd? I'll take you both hostage then." The robber said, both me and Killua got off the ground, hands above our heads. Yes! This will be fun!

The robber pointed the gun at our heads, gesturing for us to go out the back door. "Any attempts to escape and I'll shoot." The robber threatened, me and Killua nodded in response.

See, Killua challenged me to the quiet game, and to make it more interesting, we have to be hostages.

The robber followed us, gun pointed at our heads. Once we got out of the building, and made sure there were no cops, we got further instructions. "I'll guide you to the getaway car, attempt to run and I shoot." The robber instructed, we walked away from the restaurant.

"We're here, get in the car." The robber said. Ooo! We're gonna be kidnapped! Yay! Me and Killua got in the car.

"You kidnapped two kids!? That wasn't part of the plan!" The getaway driver yelled.

"The cops were called, we need hostages!" The robber yelled back. The driver scoffed, and started driving. The cops were surrounding the restaurant when we passed by. They didn't attempt to stop the car, so we ended up at the criminals house.

"What do we do with the kids?" The driver asked, now pacing back and forth the living room.

"I don't know!" The robber shouted.

"Well we aren't going to kill two innocent children!" The driver yelled.

"But they know to much, we can't let them go!" The robber yelled back.

"Then what are we supposed to do!?"

"I don't know!"

"Then figure something out!"

"You're the smart one!"

"You kidnapped them!"

"It was the only safe way out!"

"They're children!"

"They asked to be hostages!"



Pfttttt- I had to contain my laughter, seeing how we still had to be quiet.

"They what?" The driver asked.

"I asked who wanted to be a hostage and they raised there hands." The robber explained.

"Seriously? Are you two fucking suicidal?" The driver questioned, me and Killua both looked at each other, looked back, then started rapidly nodding our heads.

Wrong number (HxH)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें