Chapter 3

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By the time she turned 16 her life was horrible, her parents were so distant that she could barely remember the last time they had an actual conversation.

At school she had no friends. Everyone who she had considered friends and known since she was a child had turned their backs on her.

For a story telling witch, who could make promises that were never kept then again Marinette doubted she knew the meaning of the word promise.

At school everyone thought she was a bully. At least in her class everyone else at school avoided her at all cost not wanting to deal with Lila and the rest of the class.

Even her teacher didn't even do her own job Marinette did, she would give all her work to Marinette saying it was part of her class president role.

Marinette ended up having the class revote for Lila as they all loved her more than her and her vice president would actually help her rather than leave all the work for her to do herself.

Let's just say Lila was not the happiest when she was given actual work to do that was not lying.

Sometime during the past year her tattoo had gone back to the previous black colour it used to be.

She still had no idea why it turned that shade to begin with but Lila had somehow found out about it and told the class that if a soulmate mark turned grey it meant that either one of the two or both were evil.

This had surprisingly influenced the class quite a bit which had made them distance themselves.

When you had no friends, and your parents were never around, Marinette had a lot of free time, so she spent it deciphering the grimoire and during the nights she would take Plagg out and the two would patrol.

The other day principal Damocles had talked about universities and how they had to work hard to achieve their dream jobs.

Marinette had though about what he had said along with her job as the guardian of the miraculous. There were many missing miraculous around the world with guardians looking for them but they were many in Gotham.

As it had the highest crime rate in all of America, they chose to stay away to prevent losing anymore miraculous.

Not only did they have such a high crime rate but they also had a great university for the arts, Marinette had thought about it and she had been saving money from all her past commissions for a place.

If she's lucky enough she could get a scholarship, but how to tell her parents was the question. 

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