Chapter 8

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Walking up to her parents she started playing with her fingers, unsure of what her parents said about her decision to study abroad in one of the most dangerous places in America.

She took a seat at one of the stools and now she faced away from her parents who were watching her intently, she had thought they would see her letter some time tomorrow when she was at school or something ,

"We read your letter and-" Sabine stopped to look over at her husband, "we're proud of you sweetheart for thinking of your future even when we've been busy with the new bakery."

The rest of the night her parents kept going about how she was growing up and they were proud of her for acknowledging her future and working hard for it and doing whatever it takes to make it come true.

Throughout the night Marinette had a feeling that her parents had no idea where she would be studying abroad, then again she had written she would be studying in America she hadn't specified and said Gotham.

She had known that her parents would say no the second they found out, but she wasn't just going for her studies but for something that was much bigger than herself which was miraculous and protecting them from those who would do evil with them.

As long as she got to them before anyone else did she was fine but nobody could know the truth of the miraculous nor could she have another Hawkmoth.

Let alone on who was the Joker or another villain who could care less about killing. Now that would be catastrophic, not only would the justice league find out they could possibly take the miraculous away from her. Not that she would let them.

After going to bed that night she had talked to her parents about their day tomorrow and they would be at the other bakery the whole day. She had planned to go to school and once she got back to open a portal to the temple.

There she was hoping to talk to the great guardian, who would hopefully agree with her plan.

Lying in bed that night she just blinked away all thoughts of Lila, school the miraculous and just let her thoughts run wild.

Of how her life had changed so much, that she was starting college so soon, that her soulmate tattoo had gone from black to grey then went black once again.

She still had no idea what it meant but she hoped that it wasn't anything bad and that they were ok. That night she felt like her shoulders were lighter than they had been in a long time.

Was it that she had finally told her parents that she wanted to study abroad and they didn't accept her decision or that she had finally made an important choice in her life, like where she wanted to finish her schooling. 

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