Chapter 11

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The flight was smooth yet tiring, Marinette was glad to finally land in the dark gloomy city. Finally able to leave their seats, Marinette went to grab her overhead luggage.

Small problem she couldn't reach. She had help from a flight attendant before. Reaching up on her top toes her hand barely reached the handle of her suitcase.

"Need some help?" A guy asked in English if it was the one who had previously been sitting next to her. "Yes please" she responded, her accent wavering in her pronunciation.

The guy smiled as she stepped aside. He was tall, easily reaching the suitcase and taking it down he handed it to her. "Thank you," she said, grabbing the handle.

He held out a hand for her "Dick" he stated she stared at him as she had been learning English for a long time and knew that was not a nice word "my name is dick well Richard but nobody calls me that." He spoke with a small smile.

She reached over and shook his hand "Marinette" she replied she looked at him curiously "why did you choose dick for a nickname?" He stared at her silently before answering.

"I didn't exactly choose it, that's what people shortened the name Richard too. It's weird" he said, chuckling. Marinette nodded at her response.

Weird was one way to put it.

The aisle finally cleared up and they walked out into the airport, bidding goodbye splitting ways entering customs.

Finally reaching the exit Marinette walked out of the busy airport, taking a cab to her new apartment as she rode through the city she saw the clean pristine look in the gloomy place.

Yet after passing a few streets the building took a turn for the worse peeling paint, lots of graffiti, broken windows, litter and very few people out during the day.

Teaching her new apartment complex she looked before entering the building. It seemed to be abandoned except for a dim light shining out from a corner of a window that had mostly blacked out.

Marinette cautiously walked in her suitcase next to her, her grip on her backpack suddenly tighter. Walking in the lobby there were cream walls with patches of paint missing or cracked.  The grey carpet was stained with a large patch of some type of liquid.

A man stood anxiously in front of an old wooden desk pacing back and forth. "Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith?" She asked in English.

Watching as the semi bald man turned in her direction the look of worry on his face easing. He was 5-8 brunette hair starting to thin and going bald at the centre of his head, tinged with specks of grey and white.  He had brown eyes etched with nerves of what was unclear.

"You're Marinette right" he spoke to which she nodded. "Great, the other tenant that used to live next to you moved out a week ago. So you can have his room. It's the second biggest of the four." He spoke quickly, grabbing a briefcase that she hadn't previously noticed.

Opening it he pulled out some papers "sign this and you can have the apartment on the top floor like I said before second biggest, rents the same and I'll come by every month to collect if you can't pay the next month give me a call and be gone at the end of the month".

He spoke fast as though in quite the rush, yet quite scared at the same time he placed the papers onto the table and grabbed a pen writing something before holding it out to her.

Grabbing the pen she began to read over the paperwork she had already paid for the next two months so rent was not an issue.

"Sir is something wrong?" Marinette spoke as the man began to read over the paperwork she had filled in. He looked up at her a little surprised.

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