~special names~ chapter five

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Davide's POV

I was in awe at the beautiful little boy sitting in the back of my loves classroom. The way that Nikolas described him already made him sound amazing but in real life he was absolutely adorable.

He looked tiny, smaller than Nikolas by at least a foot, and I could see how thin he was through the warn out sweatshirt he was wearing. His strawberry blonde hair complemented his light brown freckles wonderfully and his pale skin with a light blush made him even cuter.

His red rimmed eyes worried me, though, and the sad expression he had on his face when I walked in made me want to die on the spot.

This sweet thing should never have to be sad.

"It's very nice to meet you, August. Nikolas tells me so many nice things about you." I told him in a gentle tone as I walked towards my husband who was sitting in front of August. August looked skeptical and slightly confused as he heard my words. "Only how much of a sweet and good boy that you are." I said when I knelt down next to Nikolas.

I wouldn't usually talk to a fourteen year old like this but for some reason, August made me feel like he needed to be treated with extra care and praise and I was more than okay with giving it to him.

"What'd you bring with you, babe." Nikolas asked me as he stood from his crouched position and I followed his lead, standing back up as well.

"I thought I'd bring you some lunch since I knew you weren't having the best day today. It's just a sub from Subway but I thought you'd like it more than the school lunch." I told him, holding up the transparent bag that held two subs. I figured we could eat lunch together and I could hopefully cheer Nikolas up a little bit after the tough morning he had.

"I do, thank you, love." My love got up on his tippy toes and pressed a sweet but short kiss to my lips, being sure to keep it PG because we had company. "August, did you bring anything for lunch today?" He asked the boy that was watching our exchange silently. If I wasn't mistaken, I'd say I saw longing in his round doe eyes.

"N-No, s-sir." He replied quietly, moving his head to look down towards his desk in an ashamed manner.

"That's alright, honey. You can stay and have lunch with us if you'd like. I'm sure there's more than enough here to share." Nikolas was always so considerate and I definitely didn't mind spending more time with August, it would give me a chance to get to know him better.

"I-I w-wouldn't want t-to g-g-get in your w-way. I-I'll just g-go to the l-library and g-get some of m-m-my work d-done." He said as he quickly packed up the school supplies and papers on his desk.

It worried me that he wasn't going to go to the cafeteria to get lunch but I put that on the back burner and focused on our current issue.

"Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. We'd love to have you." I watched as an adorable blush made it's way up August's cheeks as Nikolas said the words.

"O-Okay." He whispered quietly as he wrung his hands on top of the desk. He should never have to feel nervous around us.

"I'm gonna pull a few extra chairs over to my desk, baby. August, do you wanna come up to the front and sit up there with me?" Nikolas asked August as he grabbed a few chairs nearby.

"Y-Yes, s-sir." He replied sweetly, standing and following my love to his desk. I took step behind them and took a seat next to Nikolas while August sat across from us.

Grabbing the bag that held our lunch, I set it on the desktop and began portioning out the food, splitting one of the sandwiches between Nikolas and I and giving the other to August. Based on the looks of the small boy, he seemed to need food more than we did.

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