~take all of your pain away~ chapter ten

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Third Person POV

When August wakes up next he's not as comfortable as he was before.

He's still hugged tightly in his Mummy and Daddy's arms but now, his nose is all stuffy and his tummy doesn't feel very good, it's rumbling and it sounds like it's yelling at him.

At first he thinks he's just hungry but then it starts to hurt really bad, making him clutch his little stomach in his hands.

August tries to go back to sleep because it's still dark in the big room and his Mama and Dada both have their eyes closed, he doesn't want to wake them up. If he does, he's sure they'll be mad and he'll do anything to keep from getting sent back to live with his biological mother.

His efforts are proven fruitless when the sick feeling starts to get worse. A wave of nausea hits the poor boy and all he can do is whine as he tries to swallow whatever is trying to come up his throat, back down.

It doesn't work, though. Within minutes, and without his permission, he's spewing all over the bed, himself, and his Mummy and Daddy.

No, this can't be happening.

August's breathing picks up as he thinks about how bad of a boy he is. He made a mess all over his new Mummy and Daddy's bed, surely they're going to hate him now.

Tears stream down August's face as the nasty feeling comes back and he thinks he'll spew all over again.

It turns out, it wasn't spewing that happened this time, it was worse. Through all of his crying, he'd accidentally gone to the bathroom all over the mattress. He couldn't control it, he just felt so... bleh. That's all he could think about as sob after sob was drawn from his throat.

"D-Daddy?" He mumbled, giving up on trying to keep his new parents asleep. He just hurts so much and all he wants is cuddles from his Mummy and Daddy. "M-Mama?" He tried again, shifting uncomfortably on the bed.

"August, bambino, what's wrong?" August looked up frantically, trying to find where his Daddy's tired voice is coming from in the dark room. "Oh, il moroso. Are you not feeling well?" His Daddy asked, waking up as soon as he realized his baby wasn't okay. (Baby, Sweetheart.)

"Icky, Dada." August whined, wiggling in the hold of his parents, trying to escape the heat and smell of his own sickness.

"Shhh shhh, it's alright, piccolo. Daddy'll get you all cleaned up." His Daddy whispered soothingly as he got out of bed and picked August up with him, eliciting a groan from the small boy, the sound stirring his Mummy from his sleep as well. (Little one.)

"What's going on, babe?" His Mummy asked, blinking his eyes opened as he propped his body up on one elbow. Something had to be wrong if his husband and child were awake at, after looking at the time, he realized was almost four in the morning.

"Little Augie here just had a little accident, says he's feeling a bit icky." Davide replied, rubbing August's back to keep him calm and satiated as he spoke. August didn't mind waiting despite the sticky feeling all over his body and the headache pounding through him, he was just glad to be in his Daddy's arms.

"Oh my sweet boy, you're not feeling so good, are you?" Nikolas asked, concerned when he noticed the sick all over the bed and the smell taking up the room. "You are feeling pretty hot, bug." He said after reaching up to feel August's forehead, it was burning up.

"I'll clean up in here, Davie. You take care of our baby boy." August's Mama said softly, being sure to give August a loving kiss on the crown of his head before his Daddy was taking him out of the room and entering the bathroom.

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