~you are my sunshine~ chapter nine

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Nikolas's POV

"Almost home, amore." Davide spoke into the darkness of the car as he turned onto our street. I nodded, keeping my eyes on little Augie who was dozing softly next to me. At some point during our ride home, August had slipped once again and was now leaning his head on my shoulder. He was absolutely adorable, releasing small snores every now and then and nuzzling into my body warmth. (Love.)

I can't believe how lucky we got to find August after he ran away. I was so worried he'd get hurt or worse, he'd be gone from us forever.

But he's not, he's safe now. I finally feel good knowing that August is in Davide and I's protection for good.

Well, as long as we're actually able to get his mother to either give up parental rights or prove the home unfit so we can adopt him.

I shook myself out of my thoughts when I noticed Davide had pulled into the parking garage, pulling into a spot close to the elevator. Davide exited the car and opened my door for me, offering a hand to help me out of my seat.

I walked to the other side and opened August's door as quietly as possible. I gently unbuckled the seatbelt from his slouched frame and scooped him into my arms, eliciting a sharp whine and a shiver from the sweet boy.

"It's alright, bug. Just a few more minutes and we'll be inside." I reassured August, holding him close to my body to try and give him some of my body heat, he was still so cold and his clothes were hours away from drying.

Davide placed a hand on the small of my back and guided me through the building until we were finally back home, stepping through our front door. I breathed a sign of relief when I smelt the familiar scent of the vanilla candles I like to burn and saw the comforting glow of our hallway lights.

"Let's get you to our bathroom, honey." I whispered softly but August didn't respond, only nuzzling his head into my neck and gripping my sweater between his tiny fist. "Such a tired baby, huh." I told him quietly as I began bouncing him in my arms, hoping to keep his awake for a little while longer.

We walked slowly to the bathroom, August letting out adorable little yawns as he'd wake himself up every few minutes.

While Davide worked on filling the bathtub with warm water, I gently laid August on the bathroom floor and began untying his small converse shoes.

"Nu... Wan' Mama." August whined when he was out of my reach, small tears springing to his eyes. It seems we have a cranky baby when he gets tired like this.

"It alright, little love. Just a few more minutes." I told him as I swiped a piece of hair behind his ear. He continued to fuss and move around, never giving up on his quest to get back into my arms.

"What if Mama took a bath with you, bambino?" Davide asked August while I attempted to take his socks off through all of his wriggling. (Baby.)

"Jus' wan' Mama." I cooed at his adorable words and leaned down to place a soft kiss to the crown of August's forehead, immediately feeling a pang in my heart when I heard him whimper as I pulled away.

"I know, bubba. Shhh, it's okay." I soothed him, bringing my hand down to rub his little tummy. He seemed to calm down a little bit at the contact.

"I'm gonna go grab you both some new clothes, I'll be back, amores." Davide told us, leaving the room. (Loves.)

"Are you comfortable with me undressing you, honey? If you're not it's completely alright, I can leave you alone while you get into the bath and just sit with you, if you'd like." I asked August as I went off on a tangent. We haven't talked about what August is comfortable with yet, I don't want to scare my baby.

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