N i n e - Cake

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I spend hours in my room trying to make it look like how I'd like, adding things I wanted and removing things I could do without.

I eventually hear a knock at my door and put down the current thing I was working on. I open the door immediately expecting my servant.

"No I don't need anything Syn—"

I look instead to see a girl with ink black hair tied in a ponytail and pale skin. She has a disgusting slit smile and wide lidless eyes similar to the other pale freak I remember seeing gawking at me in the living room. Her purple hoodie along with her short black skirt and black and red striped knee-high socks were stained with blood.

This girl has in hand a small black and red colored cake with mini candles on top, and she holds it out to me when I open the door. "Slendy wants you to have this. It's your Birthday, right? Happy Birthday!"

I stare at the cake in her hand for a long time.

The last time I've ever been given a birthday cake was the very last birthday I spent with my mother...

I was shocked by the gesture and struggled with what I should even say. "Th-Thank you....? This...really isn't necessary...I—"

"Nonsense! Of course it's necessary! Slender always has his big brother Splendy make cake when it's someone's birthday!" She then tilted her head at me and added curiously, "By the way, how old are you anyway? I'm 17~"

"800," I respond, and immediately her flirtatious gaze vanished. "Oh...you're old old. Damn...well, happy birthday anyways, I guess," She sighed handing me the cake and turning away from my room with slumped shoulders.

I look down at the cake again for a bit before I take it and walk out of my room. I'm wary of the Creepypastas that were in the hallway that were eyeing me down.

"Heh, if you're really Grim Reaper, where's your big scary scythe~?" A boy with long spiky thick black hair and one red eye that glowed from his completely shadowed over face scoffed at me. "Strangled Red don't be rude to him,"A woman with gray skin that was stitched up all over and brown wavy hair with a black and red nurses outfit scolded.

I turn away from them both and directed my attention to the stairs, trying to get down to the bottom floor without having to encounter anyone else. However when I reach the steps, I'm confronted by a tall man man wearing a tall top hat and long red hair falling from beneath it. His clothes look like that of a ringmasters. He stared down at me with his bright green eyes, studying me. "Fascinating...."

I look between him and the stairs, which was where I was trying to get down. He noticed my awkward glancing and chuckles before steeping aside. He holds out his hand and grins,  "Well don't let me stop you, Lord Death~"

I glance at him strangely before passing him up and gliding down the stairs. Something tells me I'm going to be involved with that killer more than I would even like to...

Once I get downstairs, I'm once again taken aback by how populated this mansion is. I frantically look around to see if I could see SlenderMan anywhere. I see a very tall looking creepypasta with pale skin and tendrils so I immediately glide towards them, thinking it was SlenderMan.

I reached up and tapped on his shoulder, and the being immediately turned around to face me but it wasn't Slender at all...

"Oh, hi!!!" The different slender being greeted me with a wide smile. Unlike SlenderMan, this slender being wore a multicolor polka dotted suit with a black top hat perched on his head. His tendrils were black with bells at the ends of them, and his biggest feature difference from Slender was the fact that he had a face.

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