Is that Coldplay?

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Slowly, Penelope took a deep breath, watching her reflection in the mirror as though she were someone else. Her hair was styled, her brown curls tumbling down her shoulders, pale purple flowers pinning it in place. Her dress was long, the same colour as the flowers, loose and flowy, pooling at her feet. The only thing to do now was to fasten her necklace round her neck, which was proving an issue. She didn't want to break the clasp, but her nails kept getting in the way every time she tried to thread it through. 

"Need a hand?" Charles asked softly, leaning against the doorway. She wasn't sure how long he'd been standing there watching her, but the way he was looking at her made her heart flutter. He was wearing a white shirt with a purple pocket square, which made them look very much like a couple. 

Penelope nodded, giving him a small but grateful smile. "Thank you. I can't get the clasp to do up."

Charles stopped behind her, his body pressing against hers. Slowly, his fingers moved to her neck, fastening the necklace with ease. Their eyes met in the mirror as he put his arms around her torso, resting his head on her shoulder. "Talk to me."

"I don't know how I'm gonna get through this, Charlie," she said truthfully, her voice small. The argument she'd had with her grandmother had been on her mind all night, so much so that she hadn't slept. She'd tossed and turned until she'd eventually given up, sneaking out to sit on the balcony of her bedroom, watching the sun come up as she'd cried. She'd never felt so far from her family, and it was tearing her apart. They were all she had, and she didn't know how to fix the mess they were in. She hated the fact that her abuela was trying to force her to choose. What she perhaps hated more was that she didn't know which way the scales would tip if she did have to decide. 

"I know," he whispered, kissing her cheek tenderly like she might break if he made one wrong move. "But today is a happy day. You're going to stand up there and look happy, we're going to dance and have a good time, and if you want to leave, then we'll leave. You want me to drive the getaway car, then I will."

Penelope smiled despite herself, her fingers trailing his cheek. "Charles Leclerc, dancing? It must be bad for you to say that."

Charles's eyes twinkled as he began to sway to a non-existent beat, taking her hands and twirling her around slowly. "I just wanted to show off my moves."

"You've been practicing?"

"You can't tell?" Charles mused, watching her with fond eyes as she straightened his tie, brushing a spec of dust from his jacket.  

"Maybe a few more lessons, hm? I'll get Carlisle to teach you."

"Carlisle? Ay, no no. Last time he saw me, he shook my hand so hard it left a bruise."

Penelope laughed, forgetting her troubles even if it was just for a moment. "That's just Carlisle. He hates everyone."

"Especially me?"

"No! Well..."

"Ha! I knew it!"

Penelope shook her head, still grinning. "Oh, hush. Or I really will ask him about those lessons."


The wedding was beautiful. The manor had been fully converted into a venue, with wooden chairs lining each side of the long, white aisle. Lanterns were strung from the ceiling, soft spots of light filling the space with a bright glow. At the end of the aisle was a flower-laden arch, petals strewn around the base. Every seat was occupied, the only people missing being the wedding party themselves.  

Penelope's brothers, Kevin, Nick and Frankie were all wearing matching suits, all acting as Joe's combined best man. Penelope herself had been deemed 'best person', an idea she'd found amusing until today. Now, it was just painful, standing at the side lines watching on as her brothers laughed amongst themselves. As much as they swore they weren't, Penelope could tell they were avoiding her. 

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