Chapter Four

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The goddess of love stumbled after the wretched god whose ceaseless stride drove her to insanity. A small desert had taken home in her slippers and her heavy gown stuck to her skin as the searing sun melted her very core. She had forgotten how irritating the sun could be.

Throughout the years, Hathor had come to realize that she was trapped in the underworld. What she once saw as an opportunity for more power and riches became a dark, lonely cell. Surrounded by soulless demons and dead mortals, the goddess began to shrivel from the absence of companionship.

Her sister was the only god who continuously made an effort to communicate with her despite the complications of barriers. Her sister who she had so foolishly pushed away. Hathor was not proud of how she treated her sister. After their creation, she found pleasure that the people praised her more than her sister. The mortals loved her and they feared her sister. It made her feel good.

When Ra changed Sekhmet's heka, the people began to love her too. She was no longer a mindless, walking death sentence but a loving, selfless goddess. She became someone Hathor yearned to be, filling Hathor's whole being with jealousy.

The goddess of love was never one to regret but she regretted losing her sister. She was shocked when Osiris' son fought through the demon-infested darkness and grabbed her. He pulled her towards the light that she had not seen in thousands of years. Once they reached the surface, away from danger, Hathor was overcome by a wave of emotions as she sank into the soothing sand of the desert. She was home.

Hathor flinched as an unexpected clang traveled through the sweeping breeze.

"Put this on." A careless voice commanded.

Hathor watched the god as he cleaned his sword with rigid movements. "What is it?"

With the speed of a serpent, Horus yanked the arm of the goddess and shoved the bracelet on her breakable wrist. "Do not waste my time, goddess." Horus turned his back and started walking in the direction of the palace.

Hathor picked up her skirts and followed after him. "What is it?" she asked firmly. The god mumbled something about her sister but continued walking, not sparing her a single glance. Hathor dismissed her inquiry for a moment. "Did you say something about Sekhmet? Is she alright?"

To this, Horus gave a short glance to Hathor...interesting. "That bracelet is what's keeping the demons from dragging you back home."

"The Bracelet of Forty-Two Stars," she whispered in awe. It was a lesser-known legend, few gods even knew of it. Each demon slayed grants the one who killed a star. Forty-two stars each hammered into a singular band allowed a god to escape the underworld despite what their duties might be to it. One had never been made before. "But why..." Hathor looked at Horus with confusion, her plump lips slightly agape. A rare expression indeed.

Horus grunted in annoyance, he hated questions. "For Sekhmet. Not you, if that's what you were thinking. I don't care about you."

"Neither do I at the moment." Another rare occasion for the goddess, agreeing with someone. Hathor picked up her pace to come beside Horus. "Does my sister love you back?"

"You are suggesting I love her."

Hathor smirked. "You forget who I am, god of air. It was not a suggestion."

Horus continued his powerful stride as they reached the last few miles to the palace. He sighed as the staggered footsteps behind him ceased to be heard. Another stop. "Must you stop when we are so close?"

Hathor laughed, "Five miles is not close. You could carry me if you are so perturbed."

"I'd sooner drop you into the Nile... feet and hands tied to a weight no god could withstand. Your mouth sewed shut." Horus took this time to drink the water from his canister. He now wished he had brought strong liquor with him. Perhaps then the goddess would have been more bearable.

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