Chapter Nineteen

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The gods turned their attention from the sky to the mortal who had just appeared from the sand.

"Set killed Ra. He has unleashed Chaos," Horus said to Bek who had seen Apophis swarming in the AfterLife.

"So how do we stop him?" Bek spoke with strength and dignity. He was not afraid of death for it would only reunite him with his love.

Horus was bewildered. "You never give up, do you?"

"Only because Zaya told me not to."

"You didn't tell her about our bargain?"

"Yes, I did tell her, but for some reason, she still believes in you."

Horus looked back at the sky and then to Sekhmet and Bek. "We must return to the capital."

"My thoughts exactly," she said with a smile. "Although, we don't have enough time to walk all the way."

The sound of chirping birds crept toward their ears, strange to hear in the desert. All turned to see a small boat descending with flocks of birds enabling it to fly.

Sekhemt gasped, "Nephthys. Even beyond death, she's trying to help us."

The land was engulfed in the burning light of dusk. The lowering sun's rays shimmered off rivers and tapering dunes. Sekhmet tried to focus on the peace that came with such surroundings as their time to save the world decreased with the sun's descent.

In the distance, a jolting line of light flowed from the top of Set's obelisk that reached the clouds. This stream of fire ignited from the spear of Ra and shot straight up to disappear into the sky.

Storm-ridden skies crackled with lightning beyond the capitol where Apophis was drinking the Nile, heading toward the spear's fire.

"Set has Ra's spear."

Sekhmet nodded at Horus. "He's drawing Apophis to the Nile."

Bek leaned over the edge, attempting to view as much as possible. "Why?" His head swiveled to stare at the gods who stood with calculating eyes.

"To drink it. To destroy creation. Ra isn't dead and only he can make this right. But he needs his spear." Horus crunched his knuckles and cracked his neck. He was ready to finally defeat Set.

"So how do we get it back?" Bek asked with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe it's time we go fishing."

As the two spoke, Sekhmet stared down at her shaking hands. Their twitching was the result of two things. Horus was planning on going after Set but Apophis would drain the Nile in no time.

Looking at her hands, hands that could kill and heal, she understood that this is what she was made for. She hadn't used her hands to cause death ever since she was blessed with the power to heal. That would end today. It must.

Ra said there was a reason she was made to hold such opposing powers. This must be why.

She would kill Chaos before this wound made her bleed out.


They were nearing the capital. It was time to say goodbye.

The god turned to the goddess. She had all his attention. "Yes?"

Sekhmet smiled with tears brimming her eyes. Her skin prickled and her throat seemed to close. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Horus frowned, not at the words but her sad expression. "Is everything alright?"

Her eyes darted around before meeting his gaze once more. "I have to go, Horus."

The lines marring his face deepened. Where did she have to go?

"I'm confused." He gave a weak laugh filled with anything but humor.

"I need to kill Apophis."

His face contorted to match her stone features as his head shook vigorously.

"It's impossible and even if it weren't, you can't. No one can."

"You know I can kill it. This is my purpose, Horus."

He stared at her hands that lay out on display. She was going to use her powers. Grabbing her hands in despair, Horus pulled her to his body.

"Your purpose is to heal people. Make their lives brighter. To make my life brighter." His voice cracked as she looked into his soul and caressed his cheek.

"Haven't I?" Tears dripped from her chin to sprinkle the floor. "If I don't do this, then there will be no people. You will die."

Both sunk to their knees, hidden in one another's grasp. "I can't lose you."

Slowly, she untied the sash, revealing the gaping hole in her side that leaked gold. "You will lose me either way."

"No!" His hand hovered over the wound. "We can... we can get you things a-and you can fix it." He looked around but nothing could be used to heal the wound. "It's not supposed to end like this," he cried.

Delicately, she turned his head to return his gaze to her own. Sekhmet lifted her head and captured his lips with her own. Salt fell upon her tongue from the mix of tears. Hands gripped with aimless desperation.

Her heart shattered as she pushed the god away and jumped off, plummeting to the earth.

Bek flew to the edge to see Sekhmet transform into her natural self before hitting the ground. Her goddess form being similar to a lioness. His breath caught at the distraught sounds coming from Horus.

"Get up," Bek commanded. He needed to be stern if the god was to listen even though he knew exactly how Horus was feeling. "You need to kill Set. Don't make her sacrifice pointless." 

War and Healing (Gods of Egypt)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon