Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry," she whispered, rushing back to her house.

"Arghh! Shit!" I grunted, not much bothered, getting back in, straight to my room.

"I'm sorry."

She said sorry? She never said sorry before.

"You're exceeding limits."

I did. I did exceeded limits, I shouldn't have said that she doesn't deserve to be loved. But it's not like my words ever bothered her.

9:30 P.M.


Hyung. How was your
date day before yesterday?

Not my soulmate.

I see. You'll find her.
I just want her to punch
your eye lol 😂😂

Why? I always wished
good for you. Like a... Yk 😉

Ihy 😭

Hyung, I was thinking what
about the people who
don't have a mark.

Your neighbour type.

How would I know?

She's your friend?

No she's not. She's just
my neighbour.

Last time we came, she seemed
like super close to you.

You guys know practically
everything about each other.

I actually thought u were
bestfriends 😅

No. We were just in the same
school. That is why.

I hate her tbh.

Oh no you don't. Probably
you're jealous.

Why would I be jealous?
What does she have that
I don't?

That smile. You were always
irritated that she goes on
smiling everytime, laughing,
always optimistic. Unlike you.

You're jealous of her positivity.

You don't know shit. Don't

Well yeah. I was just curious.
That is why I was asking.

Hm. She is dating someone
though, who doesn't have a mark
too. So that's how it works I

Oh cool. I was genuinely
worried about her.

Why would you...?

Your friend, my friend.

She's not my friend for
God sake.

Classic you 😂


"I'm sorry"

"Argh!! Fuck, why can't I forget it?" I smashed the keybord in distress adding weird letters to the lyrics.

I sighed and walked up to the window. The room was on the first floor, so I can see into her lawn. It had a reflection of lights from the window.

She's still up? Is she crying? No. Why would she cry on something I had said? She's not that naive or maybe she is. It's two in the morn already, what is she doing still up?

"You're exceeding limits."

I shook my head to forget that doleful voice. I want to apologise. Now. But I cannot, maybe never. If I did, she'll probably laugh her ass off.

I heard a voice as if something breaking, something like a vase or glass? My breathing hitched and I didn't ponder a second running down the stairs, almost falling on the last one and measured my way upto her house. Before I could ring her bell, I stopped.

It's two in the morn! I probably should not. But I am apprehensive. What if it's a thief?

I sneakily went up to the window, glancing in. It was just her back visible, kneeling down picking up pieces of broken glass plate or jar, I don't know.

I let out a breath I was holding and waited till she left that particular room so I could go back without being caught giving a fuck. As I was about to enter back, I saw a packet beside the door. I recall her dropping it.

I picked it up and glanced within. Noodles- black bean noodles and ramyeon. She hated black bean noodles though... She used to give that to me each time we had those at school.

We really know alot about each other.

My heart ached, I contemplated... why? why am I so reckless with my words? I bit my bottom lip in regret and carried that packet with me inside. Heating up the noodles that were now soggy.

As I took a bite, a stream of memories struck me and a smile formed on my lips. She used to be the most spontaneous yet intelligent student of our batch. I remember her putting chewing gum on my chair, fake insects in my locker, weird pictures. But nevertheless, we stuck together, making fun of each other but still together.

No matter how much I tried to push her away, she was always there. When I got injured on a school trip or when some other kid tried to be the bully. I laughed remembering when she said that only she gets to bully me.

Is that even a thing to say with such pride.

"Pabo," I muttered, eating the noodles.

"I'm sorry."

My smile dropped and I sat back in the chair. Maybe I need to talk to her. As soon as possible.

I couldn't really sleep, didn't even try to. I was sitting in the lawn, just waiting for her to get up. Weird that she didn't watered her plants like she always does in the morning before sun, dancing weirdly.

It was seven already, why in hell is she sleeping like snorlax?

Finally, the door opened. Unusually, her hair were untied and she was already wearing the lab coat and her hospital uniform or dress whatever we call that.

I quickly paced to the wall in between. "Hey," I called out.

"Hm?" she looked back. Her eyes were swollen and seemed weak, transmitting almost no light.


I felt so guilty on watching the pain in those beautiful hazel eyes. "I... um... I actually didn't mean what I said yesterday."

She smiled effortlessly, "Bold of you to assume that your yelling would stop me from pestering you, kitty."

"Your eyes tell the opposite."

She rubbed her eyes in trance. "Ahh..." she trailed off, "Jojo Moyes. I read entire Me Before You yesterday night. And hell, I cried? You can collect it and evaporate the water to get the salt for your food for an year- Oh shit am late. Bye," she waved and ran off.

I snorted a little. If she's late, why doesn't she take the car? Wait... I didn't apologise. Ahh. Shit.


(A/N: Ngl, I did Jimin dirty 😂😂)

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