Chapter 26

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I feel a body crash into my legs as Morgan runs up to me. I smile down at her focusing my attention from Nat to her.

"Hi Morgan" I say as I pick her up to sit on the couch in between Nat and I.

"Hi y/n/n hi Nat." She replies "mommy said I could stay until bedtime."

"Did you find anyone your age" I ask

"No" she replies with a pout.

"Well you can hang out with us" Nat offers

"Ok" she replies happily. "Can you show me your powers again y/n/n?" She asks looking up at me.

"Um I don't know" I reply looking around and seeing all the people.

"Please" she begs "only a little"

"Uh yea ok" I cave. How am I supposed to say no to her. I look around and see no one focused on us. I make a small flame on my pointer finger and am about to do something when Tony comes rushing over. He comes, whispers in my ear and I nod hesitantly before getting up.

"Where are you going" Nat asks in confusion as I start to walk away.

"Tony needs me to do something for him. You'll see." I reply as I move upstairs to set up. Tony had asked me to do a small show for the guests in the ballroom. His performers suddenly called in and said they couldn't make it so he thought it would be a good time for me to publicly show my powers.

I set up a large stage in the ballroom with some standing fire pits around the room. I set some other things up and quickly change into a blue dress. A lady came up and did my makeup quickly to match. About half an hour later I call down to Tony and tell him I'm ready for a show. Soon he has everyone pouring into the pitch black room. The party has barely started so nobody was even close to drunk.

There were quiet murmurs around the room until they were all silence by on bright flame went flying through the air. Everyone immediately quieted down as their eyes all followed the flame. The flame landed on a raised fire pit where it lit up in icy flames. There were gasps as more flames came shooting out from my fingers. Other than the flames the room was still dark. As more and more pits were illuminated more and more light was being emitted in the room. The light started from the back of the room and came closer and closer to me at the front. I was standing in the middle of the stage.

I covered the stage in ice as I began to do a skating routine. I loved ice skating. It was one of the things I had learned and could do whenever I wanted. I started learning right after my parents died and had fallen in love with it.

As I skated I did spins and jumps while incorporating fire into it. I would jump through fire rings or hold a flaming baton. I did two routine that ended with a double flip jump and a triple flip jump. In all I was there for about 5 minutes. Since Tony said to do about 10 minutes, I do some fire tricks. With a wave of my hand all the fires go out leaving the room in total darkness again. I quickly light up the end of a stick and do a fire performance.

Fire performance ⬆️

This takes up about 3 or four minutes and I bow at the end. The room irrupts in applause as I turn attention to one side of the room where I made colourful controlled fireworks. It ran it's course for a couple minutes before fizzling out. Tony came up to the platform with a mic in hand and a big smile.

"That was y/n y/l/n everyone." He says into a microphone. There even more applause as I take another bow. People begin to slowly leave the room. Many coming up to me to talk. I talked mostly about the basics of my powers, not wanting to give too much away to random people. As more people begin to come towards me I start to internally panic. I try to make it so it wasn't written on my face but Nat must have seen since she came up to me and helped

"Alright now, let's leave miss y/l/n to rest" she said in a voice that left no room for argument. People groaned but none the less listened to her. I silently thanked her as I turned. She nodded to me with a smile.

"I know how overwhelming it can be" she explains

"thank you" I say again "I think that I'm going to head up soon"

"ok we can clean this up in the morning"

"no no I can do it know" I protest

"honey it's fine really"

"ok" I agree. We turn and walk back into the party and soon Pepper comes up to us with a sleepy Morgan in her arms.

"aunty y/n/n" she says as she puts her arms out towards me. I take her into me and she immediately rests her head on my shoulder

"she refused to go up to sleep before seeing you again." Pepper explains

"aunty y/n/n you did so good" Morgan excitedly says

"thank you honey" I say while rubbing the younger girls back through her dress

"can you tuck me in tonight" she asks with a yawn

"sure sweetheart if your mom's OK with it"

"go for it" pepper replies with a smile "sweet dreams sweetie" she says before kissing her head.

"aunty Nat you come too" Morgan says as we begin to leave the room

"OK Hun" Nat says as she walks with us. We go up the elevator to our floor and into Morgan's yellow room.

"you need to change sweetheart" I say as Morgan begins to get heavier in my arms. She whines but wiggles down in my arms. When I let her down, she walks over to her dresser and takes out some pj's before changing into them and going into bed. Nat and I sit either side of her on the bed as we each give her a kiss on the forehead.

"can you read me a bedtime story" Morgan asks

"sure which one" Nat asks as she is sitting next to the shelf.

"the velveteen rabbit please." She asks with a smile

"of course" Nat says as she pick up the book and begins to read. I adore her as she does. The way she does the funny voices fer each character and her actions. It was weird to see the Black Widow act like that but it also seemed kind of homey. Like I could see us doing the same thing with our own chi-. Wait what. What was i thinking. Me have a child with Nat. No. I'm brought out of thought as Nat closes the book. Morgan is basically asleep now and we each kiss her forehead once more. As we get up, Morgan speaks again.

"aunty NAT, aunty y/n." She says "are you two dating" as she says this i freeze and look at Nat. She looked just as showed as me but got over it quickly.

"why do you think we are" nat asks

"cause you look at y/n/n just like how daddy looks at mommy" she explains. Nat blushes a bit at the confession.

"well we aren't dating" I say

"why not" Morgan asks, suddenly a lot more awake than she was moments ago. The room is silent for a few moments before I break it.

"how about we tell you later hmm." I suggest wanting to get back to my room. "right now you need to sleep" Morgan nods as she yawns.

"goodnight" she says


"sweet dreams"

Nat and I get up and leave the room. Looking back once we're at the door to turn the lights off. Once the door is closed it is awkwardly silent before we both say goodnight. Going into our respective rooms to change an get sleep for the upcoming mission

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