Chapter 27

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The mission the next day meant that I had to be up by 5 am. I went to bed pretty early but still didn't sleep. It frustrated me to no end. I will be so tired during the day and yet when it came time to sleep, I couldn't. I tried everything. I did paperwork, I trained, I worked on my tech. All of that did nothing for me.

All of that leads me to now. It is 2 am and I just could not sleep. Tears spring in my eyes at the realization. I quickly grabbed the pillow to muffle my cries. Just because I wasn't asleep doesn't mean I want Nat to be woken up by me.


I wake up from a nightmare with a gasp. Flashbacks of the red room flash across my mind as the nightmare is still fresh in my mind. I sit up in bed and look beside me to the clock knowing I probably won't be able to fall back asleep. 2 am wow still got a good 5 hours of sleep.

The things Morgan said to me and Y/N were fresh in my mind. Do I really look at her the way Morgan says I do? I mean I think I like her but am I in LOVE with her?

I continue to ponder over these thoughts before I begin to hear crying coming from the other side of the wall. Knowing immediately that it was Y/N I go to get up but stop. I can hear her crying almost every night. It stopped once she got hurt so j I assumed it was something small but now it was back again and I have no idea why.

With a sigh I try to ignore the crying. She barely trusts us and it wouldn't help my case if I stormed in in the middle of the night if it was something small. I turn over and grab a book, trying to get lost in the words though not being very successful.

----------------------Time Skip---------------------

At 4:30 the next morning I was up and at 'em. I quickly changed into the suit I had put out yesterday and got all my weapons sorted. Walking out of my room and 4:45 I met Natasha. She was wearing, as always, her black body suit. I faught my brain as I kept eye contact restricted to her eyes or the wall behind her. No wandering eyes.

We walked down to the common room to greet the rest of the people coming on the mission with us. Steve gave us a small run down before we were in the quinjet and in the sky. Getting to the base was simple and just a few hours later, we were back in the air coming home.

The base was small and held only about 50 people. It was more of an information holding area than a torture base. That was good for us since we got most of the data stated there.

While there were only 50 people there, they were all trained very well and put up a good fight. The ride back was filled with calm and quiet as people nurses smaller cuts and bruises. Nothing life threatening.

I sat on the end of the jet alone thinking back to the last couple weeks. I went to the mall with Nat and knocked myself unconscious. I was attacked at the tower and went unconscious. I took mandatory medicine that made me sleep. WOW. No wonder I'm even more upset that I can't sleep. Weeks with it make me need it more.

I'm taken out of my thoughts as Natasha takes a seat beside me.

"You ok" she asks "you've been in your thoughts for a while."

"Yea I'm ok" I reply looking at her with a small smile.

"Well your first mission was a success" she said with a smile "you did a good job"

"Thank you" I say before trying to stifle a yawn

"You look pretty tired" she said with concern now framing her face. "Did you sleep last night?"

"Nope" I say without thinking immediately regretting it when the concern on her face grew.

"Why not" she asks

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