Chapter 8

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    It had been a whole day since Slade's last diversion. On the upside, that meant another family movie night with all of the Titans present. But on the downside, slowly, one by one, each of the teens was overcome with this fidgety anxiousness. It was like everyone in the tower was waiting for Slade's next attack. Only getting a break when Mumbo Jumbo escaped prison, the poor guy was almost pummeled to death by the anxious and overpowered teens. Robin was in his room, happily regressed, trying his best to ignore the upset flips his tummy gave him, when finally the anxiety in his stomach popped like a balloon, and a wave of relief flooded over him to hear the ever familiar noise. *WhooWhoom* Quickly stripping himself of his adult onsie, the hero bolted into action. *WhooWhoom* Cyborg and Raven leapt out of bed while Starfire awoke with a start. *WhooWhoom* "Five more minutes, guys. Just five more minu-AGH!" Cyborg yoinked Beastboy out of bed, as they all ran to the main screen in the living room.  On the screen, stood the one, the only, "Slade."

Slade POV 

    Four tiny titans. Lined up in a perfect tiny semi-circle."Good morning teen titans, hope I didn't wake you" Power emanates from his voice. "Gee, man. What are you? An insomniac or something? Who calls at five in the morning?" The annoying little green one spoke up before getting a jab to the ribs. "That's exactly what you're trying to figure out. Honestly, I thought you would have figured it out by now. With all of this extra time, I've been giving you, you still have no idea what I'm planning. Truly, disappointing Robin-" "Like I care what you think!" "-Still, as you're as helplessly clueless as always, I think I'll just have to give you a little hint." Raven rolled her eyes at that. "Well,duh. How else was this evil monologue supposed to go on." Slade ignored the green one's comment. "A chroton detonator. A chronton detonator is going to go off in exactly one hour, and if you don't find me by then, your entire city torn to shreds." "Uh- what's a crouton detonator?" Robin, too, ignored the smaller viridescent boy.  "And how exactly are we supposed to find this chroton detonator in time?" "You're a clever little boy, Robin. I'm sure you and your puny little friends can figure it out." Robin's eyes narrowed. "That being said, time is not on your favor." With that, the screen went black.

    Cameras were set along every inch of the boondocks, all directly forwarded to Slade's computer. Quite easily, it was a perfect plan. Robin would eagerly volunteer to fight Cinderblock to give his friends time to save the city. It was simply in his self sacrificing ways. And by getting into Robin's little side, aka the more perceptible side of his brain, Slade had an available opening he's never considered before. Of course he'd always been witty and quick to compliment, but by providing a father figure like role, Robin would be quick to fall. After all, how long had it truly been since the boy had an available and ready father figure so readily available to him? By just his wording alone, he was getting into Robin's head. He just knew it. "Hurry along teeny titans, time is not on your side." A slam to the door, and Robin rolled into sight, just behind Slade. "Actually, we just went into over time." 

    Of course Rabin had defeated Cinderblock. Things were going swimmingly to plan. "I was beginning to wonder if Cinderblock was too much of a challenge for you. A shame it took you this long, Robin." A flying kick was sent his way. A right hook from Slade narrowly missed Robin's jaw. A succession of punches were sent on either side of Slade's head as he dodged and weaved Robin's attacks. "Too slow, Robin. You always were, just a little too slow." Suddenly a left swing connected with Slade's jaw. Slade took a moment to adjust, before smiling. "Good work Robin." Again the fighting continued. Both were at the top of their game. Interchanging blows, blocking and dodging, they worked in and out of a rhythm, completely in focus. Completely in sync. They were an even match up until Slade got the upper hand, swinging full force straight into Robin's abdomen. "Ugh." Robin swayed a little, feeling slightly queasy. Slade took the moment to gloat. "What? Not planning to give up now, are you Robin? Not when the lives of your precious little friends are on the line." Robin stood up straighter, as he tried to ignore the cold sweat that ran down his spine. "What- what do you mean?" With a snap of his fingers, a picture of blood bots inside each of the titans, appeared on screen. "Such a shame you would never go peacefully, Robin. Now has come the time where innocent people must be hurt." "AUGH!" A swinging flip and a kick just narrowly missed Slade's jaw. "That's bullshit and you know it, Slade! There has never been a time that innocent people weren't  on the line when it comes to your  schemes." Slade's eyes narrowed in his mask. "You will learn not to take that tone with me, Robin." His voice sent chills running down Robin's spine, as he stood to fight once again. "Pardon the language, but I guess you'll just have to make me ." 

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