Chapter 10

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    Robin had completely tuned out. He had no recollection of what was happening around him. Robin's mind was racing. Thoughts were fleeting and far between. Was it always this hard to breathe?  Everything that he was. Everything that Robin stood for, everything Dick had overcome and strove past without a second glance, it was all coming out. His identity, his mask, who Robin and Dick were as individual people. Who was he? Where was he? Suddenly, all he wanted was to feel safe again. When was the last time he had felt safe, again?  Suddenly tears pricked the corners of Robin's mask. Bruce. Suddenly the only thing Robin wanted was to be held in Bruce's arms one last time. To be told that everything was going to be alright again. That he was going to be okay. That everything around him was merely temporary. He could go home with Alfred and he'd have a warm cup of tea by the fireplace. God, had he always been this homesick before?

Slade's POV

    Something was wrong with Richard. Of course, all of this was still rather new to the antihero, but something in Slade's gut was telling him something's wrong. His plan had been successful, but at what cost? He had succeeded just as foretold, but now there was a crying boy wonder in front of him, and Slade wasn't exactly the 'consoling type'. It had been years since Slade's own children had passed away, and his heart of stone wasn't going to melt over one lowly snotty faced brat. "Richard," The name itself sent shivers down Dick's spine. "Get up, now." But if possible, Dick only curled himself up tighter into a ball. "Richard, I don't think I have to remind you what is at stake if you disobey me." Still, the boy did not move. "Richard, you will get up this instant . Now is not the time, nor the place for you to go soft on me." Suddenly a loud gasp like hiccup erupted through the previously dead silent air. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." 

    Slade kneeled down to get a better look at the young boy. He was shaking, gripping his knees with tightened white knuckles. "Please-" Richard's voice came out as a whisper. Despite his better judgement, Slade put a reassuring hand on the young man's back. "Robin, you must breathe." Slade used the code name in hopes of settling the hero down. "Please don't touch me." Instantly, Slade retracted his hand as if he'd been burnt. "Robin-" "Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to me?" "Robin, I am your sensei and master now, you must speak to me with respect." Robin tore away with a crazed look in his eye. "WHY? WHY ME? WHY THE HELL  ARE YOU TORMENTING ME THIS WAY?!" He clawed at his hair in panicked motions, his accelerated heart rate making it difficult not to get hysterical.  

Robin POV

    Slade paused only for a moment before raising his hand in the air and swiftly slapping Dick across the face. "You will watch your language in my presence, boy." The slap momentarily stunned Robin, the stinging pain on his cheek bringing him to his senses. This was Slade. He had to fight. He had to evaluate a plan of escape and bring in back-up. Why hadn't  he brought back-up, again? There had never been a situation Robin couldn't out-fight. He defeated Zucko, the man that single handedly took everything from him. He defeated the HIVE, Doctor Light, Killer Moth, Cinderblock, Mad Mod, and every other villain that stood in Robin's way. So why not Slade?  Pictures of the other Titans flooded Robin's mind. Beastboy, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire. No. He could not let them down. 

    "I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt the others."

A/N: Thank you guys for commenting and starring this story! This book now has over 500 views. I never actually expected anyone to really like this story, but hopefully some of you do. 

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