Chapter 19

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Dick POV

  Opening his eyes, Dick was greeted to a mobile consisting of tiny stars and planets. Where the hell was he?  Quickly searching his surroundings, Dick came to the realization that he was no longer in the tower, nor in the room Slade had prepared. Instead, he was in the twin size crib in the nursery he'd regressed in yesterday. Heat rushed to his face as Dick recounted the events of yesterday. He'd regressed. Actually regressed. In front of Slade! The person who wants to deceive and hurt him more than anything. What the absolute fuck was he thinking?  Climbing out of the crib, Dick clenched his fists together at his side, quickly running to the safety of the room next door. 

  Shutting the door behind him, Dick stood frozen in absolute mortification. He had given Slade every ammunition to bully him for the rest of his existence. Slapping a hand to his forehead, Dick crumbled to the ground, hands clutching his knees. Dick just felt so powerless. Like he was nine years old again; a helpless little kid in a big old world he couldn't control. How the hell was he supposed to get up from this? A shower. Dick decided right then and there that what he really needed was a nice hot shower to think things over. Picking out an identical uniform to the one he'd worn yesterday from inside his dresser drawers, Dick checked the time via the old analog clock on top of the chiffonier. It was currently four am. Meaning he would still have plenty of time to shower and get to the breakfast table before Slade threw a hissy fit.

  Turning the water all the way to hot, Dick stepped into the shower, feeling the steamy water pelt his chest. Lathering his body with suds, the heat from the shower torrent gave his body something to focus on. Not to mention, it also relieved some of the tension in his muscles from training around the clock yesterday. Rubbing circles over his arms and legs, Dick felt the tightness in his limbs slowly dissipating. Yesterday was tough, and today would indefinitely be more of the same. Massaging his scalp with his knuckles, Dick groaned in relaxation as the stress from before seemed to melt away with the soapy water slipping down the drain. It was unlike his usual five minute showers, but Dick didn't care. Turning off the faucet, Dick shook off the remaining weariness, as he dried off, stepping into the bright orange suit from before. Giving himself one last final look over in the mirror, Dick nodded in aproval before making his way out to the kitchen table. 

  In the kitchen, both of the older men sat waiting for him; Slade reading a newspaper at the kitchen table while Wintergreen busied himself with what smelled like eggs at the stove. "You're early." Slade didn't bother looking up from his newspaper. "A great improvement from yesterday. A success on top of a success, if you will." "Sure, if that's what you want to call it." Dick mumbled under his breath. That at least got Slade to set down his paper. "How did you sleep? I noticed that the crib is a bit small for a growing boy, but I hope you'll find it suitable for now." How could Slade say such embarrassing things without blinking an eye?  "I doubt I'll be spending any time inside of that  thing again, but sure, it was fine." Slade narrowed his eyes. "Perhaps you haven't slept as well as you think; someone seems to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed." Dick frowned before angrily pulling out a chair, plopping his elbows onto the table as he sat. "I have woken with renewed vigor, that just because I have to be your apprentice, doesn't mean I have to roll over and play dead. 

  Wintergreen hummed, gently setting down three plates of eggs, bacon and toast. "Bone apatite." Sitting down to his own plate, Wintergreen seemed keen to stay adamantly out of this conversation. "Let me remind you, we have a deal. Whether you like it or not. I can easily pull out of this agreement at any time, Richard. End your puny little Titans without so much as a second thought." Dick growled, raising his fists before pounding them into the wooden table. Wintergreen held his glass as the remaining dishes on the table shook. "I'm doing everything right, yet you still seem resolved to completely humiliate me at every turn! What did I ever do to you?" "You will NOT raise your voice to me!" "I'll do whatever I feel like, Slade! And you can't stop me! Not unless you want to lose your precious apprentice!" "How dare you threaten me, boy! You will not know the definition of pain when I have finished with you, insolent imp!" Slade roared from across the table. Wintergreen suddenly stood, catching both of the feuding men off guard. Raising his hand, the older man spoke. "Young sir, please, define what you meant by 'humiliation'. I think we ought to know." Dick's temper had faded slightly, but he still felt the need to cross his arms over his chest protectively regardless. "What's the point? The old wart's gonna break me down for it, anyways." Wintergreen's voice was quiet but firm. "I think it's important." Dick rolled his eyes. "Tricking me into regressing last night. It was the first and lamest trick in the book. He's trying to manipulate me by playing at my one and only weakness he finds accessible. I can't believe I let myself be vulnerable with you. How fucking stupid, am I? God I must be an absolute moron. What in the world was I thinking? I must have looked so dumb. I-" Wintergreen cleared his throat. Catching his words in his throat, Dick looked down to the floor. He was really in for it now.  The room was silent. Dick's arms were still clinging to his sides when he saw Slade's shadow shift as he got up to move around the table. Feeling the taller man's presence beside him, Dick bit his lip, shutting his eyes tight, waiting for the impact to come. "Never call yourself stupid. If I find that you have, I can promise you, early bedtimes and an extra hour of therapy for a week. Do you understand me?" Dick looked up, judging the man's face. Was he being serious?  "I expect an answer Richard. I am not a patient man and your current lack of punishment, for yelling at a teacher in training, is a very fleeting moment here." Dick hugged his body close. "I understand, sir." Slade placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. "We'll deal with this impropriety later, for now eat your eggs. You have another long day ahead of you." Keeping his eyes trained on the ground, Dick moved his way back into the chair. Picking at his eggs, Dick shoveled a forkful of yolk into his mouth. "Yes, sir"

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