✩⟬ Dinner at the Todorokis'⟭✩

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“Hey Fuyumi! I'm home, do you have anything made for dinner yet?” He called into the house, probably to his sister who is in the kitchen. 

“Who's that?” Keigo asked, getting the immediate smell of alpha’s in the house. He didn't really like it, but as long as he was near Touya he would be fine.

“My sister,” he explained, walking into the kitchen. As soon as he did, he saw Shoto there with a green haired boy who he assumed was this Midoriya he spoke of before. “Oh? And who do we have here?” he asked, raising an eyebrow to him.

Shoto shot him a glare, as if telling him not to fuck things up when Izuku was here. “This is.. My uh friend. Izuku Midoriya. The one I fought at the sports festival a while back, remember?” he said as Izuku grinned at them.

“Hello! It's nice to meet all of you, '' Izuku said, smiling at them. Man, Touya could really see that Shoto wasn't lying. This omega was honestly so cute.

Totally not his type, but cute otherwise.

“Same here. Anyways, I’ll be up in my room, call me when dinner is ready” Touya gave him a smile before looking at Fuyumi. He gave her a little nod before motioning for Keigo to follow him.

“Wait so that's your brother?” Keigo asked once they were out of earshot. “Wasn't he that one guy from the amusement park?” He very clearly remembered the amusement park along with everything that had happened there. It was probably the most fun he’s had in forever.

“Hm? Oh yeah. Same guy, why do you ask?” he responded, glancing at him. Once the two of them entered the room, Touya closed the door behind him. His room was fairly messy. Clothes were scattered all over the ground, his bed was all wrinkled in one corner while his desk on the other side was a whole nother story. It had papers scattered all over, his computer was open and there was music playing on it.

It was all a lot for Keigo to take in, but he did kinda expect his room to look like this. “Ok, first off, how do you even stay in a room this messy?” he asked, turning to Touya, visibly annoyed.

“Sorry, I honestly wasn't expecting guests-” the other responded, looking and sounding a bit embarrassed. Touya rarely cleaned his room. There was no need for him to do it everyday since it was just him that used the room. “I’ll clean it up real quick though” he added, going to pick up clothes from the ground.

“Eh it's fine, i do the same whenever i dont have guests” Keigo admitted with a little laugh as he began sorting out the papers on his desk for him. Even his features helped to clear up the rest of the table before he had called them back to his wings. Within a couple minutes, the room was pretty much clean.

“So what did you want to do now?” Touya asked while the blonde shrugged.


The two of them sat on the bed in silence, looking around and wondering what they could do while the dinner got ready.

“So…  who's that?” Keigo asked finally, pointing over to a picture of a woman that Touya had up. She kinda resembled him in a way. Pretty eyes, similar facial features, and of course her white hair. He had definitely noticed Touya’s hair that had been changing slowly to white on one side but he hadn't mentioned it. It could have just been that he was getting old, but he thought there was more to it.

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