🌧Snapping at him🌧

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Shuichi was in a mood. A big, huffy mood. He was late for work, getting calls constantly on his phone in the soaping rain, trying to finish the same goddammed case for the week. He finally finished it, had to file the paperwork, and barely had any sleep. He had knocked out in the office, crawled out to his home, dripping with water.

He opened the door, calling his voice out. "Kokichi. I'm home." The detective yelled out, hanging his coat, placing his keys down and huffing over some extra papers from the case. He ran a hand through his hair, pulling the wet bangs sticking to his forehead. He didn't hear anything, making him slightly worried.

Then, a pie nearly squared his head, hitting the door next to him. "Boom, nishishi~ I got yo- AWH!" Kokichi laughed, before pouting at the realization it splattered behind him. Shuichi frowned, looking down at him.

"I'm not in the mood. I need to take a shower." He monotonously mumbled out, trying to pass around Kokichi. He then tripped, nearly falling on his face. "KOKICHI!" he snapped, turning around and seeing the boy raising his hands up.

"What?! I didn't do anything! Also, we need to talk!"

Shuichi groaned out loud, turning around and seeing Kokichi frown at him. "Where we're you? We're you cheating on me? You were gone, and I called like 50 times!"

The detective scoffed, "That's ridiculous. You know I have work. Now will you get off my back?"

"Why? Why should I? I made you food, and everything! You have work, and you couldn't call? It's midnight!" Kokichi argued, his previous joking behavior tumbling almost quickly. He had his hands on his hips, following the detective who started to walk off. "ANSWER!"

"Kokichi...please. Check my documents, check my clothes, just leave me alone! I wasn't cheating! Check my phone too, for God sakes!" Shuichi held his head, struggling to kick back his headache. Kokichi didn't give up, stopping at the door.

"Leave you alone? After you left me alone all day? Yeah you had "work", and you just forget your boyfriend?! Nothing? Do you even give a SHIT about me?!"

Anger dwelling up, Shuichi tried to shove Kokichi out of the way, the smaller boy struggled, exasperated fighting against him. Eventually, the smaller one lost, tumbling to the ground. Shuichi opened the door, slamming it shut.

Kokichi recovered, opening the door and following him. Now he was pissed. "SO YOU DON'T! GOOD, great to know! Want me to go heat up the food for you and your beloved? I'm sure they'd love it!"

"Kokichi. I said. IM. NOT. CHEATING. What else don't you understand! Please... shut up! I can't handle you, you just, talk, fuck around constantly! What do I have to do for you to LEAVE ME ALONE??" Shuichi Begged, punching the table and crumbling. Kokichi was baffled, laughing with such rage and malice.

"Shut up? What the fuck is wrong with you? Okay, fine! Fine. Why don't I just go pack my shit too, since you want me gone so bad!" Kokichi screamed, running out the door. Shuichi gasped by this, running after him. He nearly tripped over himself catching up, grabbing ahold of his shirt.

"LET GO OF ME! Isn't that what you want?! For me to be alone?? For me to be gone?! You said I'd always be alone, just LET ME! I should of never trusted you!"

"THATS NOT WHAT I SAID! Why do you twist all my words so fucking much! What I said in the killing game was different, why are you so... DRAMATIC!"

"That's who I AM! WHO IVE ALWAYS BEEN! Why is it NOW that your being such a- oh... I get it. You found somebody better, and now realize how shitty I am." Kokichi snapped his arm away, facing away. Tears were seaping down his face, holding his own figure.

The room silenced, the silent sounds of Kokichi crying and both of them breathing, getting a moment to think.

Shuichi walked, his hand wanting to reach out but hesitating. "Kokichi...no. your the best for me. You even made me dinner... I should of called... I just had such a rough day.."

"Who's the other woman? How do I know your not just lying with me? That you lead me on so far... and I'm just a fool. Always have been, huh." He laughed at his own words, falling down to his knees. He was shaking, holding himself tighter.

Shuichi bent down with him, holding him slightly. Despite of his soaping wet, tired figure. He was mentally drained, and felt even more guilty for things leading this way. He was so snappy... Shuichi wondered if it even was him.

"Nobody. I swear on my life Kokichi. I love you, its always been you. There's no other woman. Infact, get on the bed. I'll explain everything that happened, and I promise I'll call you."

No other words were spoken, Kokichi just nodded. He was angry, he wanted to punch him across the face. But there wasn't much reason to, just from how soft he got. Like some spell, Kokichi found his frustrations dying down.

He wanted to let Shuichi have it. For leaving him at the dinner table, calling him continuously. Worried he had been hurt, or worse. Kokichi seriously didn't think he was cheating, but his stupid, dumb mind... latched onto something. A phrase, an idea.

Shuichi did it to. Usually with hurtful things that in depth, could be true. Despite this, he laid in bed alone. Staring at the wall and cuddling his sheets.

When Shuichi left the shower, he took a deep sigh. Worried that he could of fucked everything up, ruined things. Everything combined. He walked by the bed, kissing Kokichi's head.

The smaller boy shuffled, making the detective gasp. "Oh I thought you were sleeping."

"You thought wrong, Shuichi.... look I'm, sorry. I don't think your cheating, I was just mad."

"F-for good reason, though! It's me, I'm sorry! I just... I was so stressed by this case all week. I wanted to finish it all today, and started loosing sleep and... I'm just... such a bad boyfriend. I'll leave my phone on forever now."

Kokichi laughed, opening his arms. When he felt the warmth of the hug, his heart fluttered inside him. Knowing Shuichi was in his arms again, cuddling into him. The tall, sleep deprived boyfriend he loves.

"That murder case with the old lady who doesn't remember Jack? Yeah, sounds tough! I'm still mad, Shuichi!"

The raven haired boy looked up, fear in his eyes. Kokichi reached for the remote, a smirk over his face. "Looks like as punishment, you gotta watch a netflix show with me!"

"Okay." Shuichi replied, kissing him. "I'm still really sorry, though. Why don't I go get food for us?"

Kokichi pumped his fist up, smiling back. "Bet!" He flipped through some different series' before finding the one. Shuichi hopped in bed with him, holding a panta and a plate of his leftover food. When the small boy saw him, he felt his heart do the same skip as always.

When Shuichi bit into it, however. He moved the plate away. "Wait, did you burn it?"

"Well, actually I was gonna be a prank where I burned it and put Hella spice on it, but.... y'know." Kokichi slyly explained, watching him frown and plate it on their nightstand. Shuichi hopped close, hugging him tighter.
"Why am I not suprised?"

"Well, it's me." Kokichi replied, turning to him.

"True. First real thing you said." Shuichi teased, watching his boyfriend pout.

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