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Chapter 8 - Seven

Brent's POV:

It had been a week. A full seven days since discovering my lifeless mate. Seven days of sitting beside her, willing her to open her eyes. Seven days of Tenley coming to her mom's room to sleep and her grandparents picking her up each morning. She was such a precious little girl. I was doing everything I could not to become too attached, as I didn't want to assume anything at this point, but her charm and adorable demeanor were proving hard not to become attached to. Tenley had been picked up about 30 minutes ago and my mind has been reeling with what ifs and the conversation we'd had before she left...

45 minutes ago:

"Brent?" Tenley said, abandoning her coloring. She had covered almost the entire room in colorful drawings for her mom to see when she woke up.


"Why does Andy call my momma, Luna?"

I chuckled at the nick name she had given my Beta. Of course Anderson didn't mind. She had him, and me, wrapped around her little finger already.

My heart squeezed, "I know all of this is confusing, sweetie, but I'd really like to answer that question for you when your mommy wakes up. Now let's put all of this away. Your poppy will be here soon."

"Aw man, but I want to stay with you..." She said, giving me her best puppy dog eyes.

I had just about given, too, but her grandfather came in the room to get her before I could respond..


A sharp knock at the door pulled me from my trance as the replay of the conversation from early left my mind.

"Come in." I called, continuing to eat my breakfast, knowing my Beta was on the other side of the door.

"Morning Alpha, any news?" He asked as he snatched the toast from my plate, causing me to glare at him.

I shook my head, "none since you asked an hour ago..."

"Well, no news is good news I guess." Anderson shrugged and took a seat on the far wall by the door. Never getting too far away from the door in the event he needed to protect his Luna.

Cutting my eyes at him, "no, no news is not always 'good news'. " I sneered at him.

"We still know nothing on the Gamma." I replied a little too aggressively, I'm sure. Maybe it was the stress of all of this getting to me, but how can he say that when we still knew nothing on Gamma Pembrook.

"Well we don't know 'nothing', per say. We do know that he was supposed to be on night patrol the day Alyssa had her incident.. and we do know that he was two hours late for his post." He replied confidently.

"That is BASIC information, Anderson." I said leaning forward in my seat and resting my elbows on my knees, holding my face in my hands... trying to hold myself together.

"That is basic information. We have no clue where he was, who he could've been with, or what he was doing," I continued.

"Then question him?" He said as if it were that simple.

"Anderson, we may not like this guy, but there are rules. You and I both know we can't go questioning and intimidating a wolf without evidence."

'I'd sure like a chance to intimidate him..,' my wolf grumbled in my mind.

'..You and me both...' I responded knowingly.

"Yes, but you're the Alpha over this region, and this is your mate." He pushed back.

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