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Chapter 11 - Tests

Brent's POV:

The next hour was a blur of blood tests, brain scans, and physicals for Alyssa. The hospital staff wanted to get base level tests immediately and so did I. Dr. Grace gave the green light for her to begin walking in the hallways tomorrow to start getting her strength back. Alyssa's parents would be by, along with Tenley, tomorrow as well. Alyssa was extremely ready to see her, but Dr. Grace felt that she needed at least one night of adjusting without the rambunctious 4 year old and as much as I wanted her here, I had to agree with the doctor, besides it was now 10:00pm.

"Now, Alyssa I have a few questions to ask you regarding some of your X-rays and some bruising noted when you first arrived at the hospital. Is this something I can discuss in the presence of Alpha O'Connor?" She looked between the both of us awaiting Alyssa's answer. I was confused about what the woman was referring to as this never came up in any of her daily reports, but I waited on Alyssa to make a decision, not wanting to take her freedom of choice away from her no matter how badly I wanted to stay with her.

Alyssa's demeanor suddenly changed and her heart began beating rapidly, "I-I-I think I just want to rest. Can we discuss this another time?"

She nodded her head in understanding, "If you wish, Luna. But we do need to discuss it."

"Yes, of course, Dr. Grace. Thank you." She quietly responded looking down at her hands in her lap.

Once the doctor had left the room I sat down on Alyssa's bed and took her hands in my own. Silently willing her to look at me as I drew circles on the backs of her hands.

After a few moments I cleared my throat, "Alyssa?"

She looked at me as tears swam in her eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment, she responded, just barely above a whisper, "today has been one of the most incredible days of my life. I promise to tell you everything eventually, but can I just have this one good day for now? It's been so long since I have had a good day..." She squeaked the last part out, her resolve slipping even more.

Quickly pulling her into my arms I rubbed her back soothingly, "of course you can, my love. Of course you can."

'You know this has to do with that disgusting Gamma'. My wolf yipped at me.

'I agree...'

She pulled away from me, her hand coming up to cover a yawn, "I'm going to go to bed I think."

I stood up from the bed, reaching for the thick blanket at the end of her bed, and pulling it over her, "Just make sure it's not for 4 weeks this time" I chuckled as I covered her up and kissed her forehead.

Smiling and snuggling into her blanket, "I couldn't possibly." And then she was out and I was left with my thoughts. Alyssa was right, what a damn good evening.


The following morning was bumpy. Alyssa had had a rough night of sleep, nightmares plaguing her for most of the night, and now it was time for me to leave her to go and meet with the council. I hadn't divulged the entirety of the need for this meeting. I wasn't trying to keep secrets, but I did not want Alyssa worrying about this right now. Thank goddess Anderson would be on his way back today from covering pack duty. 

After Alyssa had gone to sleep last night, I had taken a moment to step out and call him to brief him on everything that had happened. To say he was thrilled would be putting it mildly. My ears were still ringing at how loudly he hollered into the phone. We also discussed that I would clearly not be taking my days at the pack now that Alyssa was awake, and with the increased interrogation efforts about to begin. I had already announced to my pack on my last trip home that they had a new Luna and that she was in need of recovery. They were all behind her so getting them to understand why I was gone was not difficult. It just meant a lot of work would be waiting for me when I returned home.

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