Chapter 22

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Tony walks Y/N to his floor of the tower and sits on a couch. Everyone got home in silence. No one wanted to bring up something to make Y/N upset. Some were a little scared of just how powerful Y/N really is.

"Why did you stop me Tony, I could've killed him. I could have finally gotten my revenge. You took that from me." Y/N cries.

"Y/N please, I'm sorry I would have been happy to see him die after what he did to you but that's what he wanted." Tony tries to explain, "he wanted to you kill him, to become the monster he was trying to create you to be."

"Maybe I am I monster, Tony!" She shouts.

"No you're not! The woman I fell in love with is not a monster!" Tony desperate says tears in his eyes.

Y/N just stares at Tony, realizing just what Tony means. "Oh Tony, I'm so sorry." She wiped the tears from his cheeks and kisses him. "I was so revenge driven I didn't realize what I was really doing."

"I know love, I know. I'm sorry too." Tony says pulling his girlfriend into a hug. They stay like that for a while just embracing each other.

"Wanna get some take out and watch a movie?" Y/N offers.

"That sounds perfect." Tony orders Chinese food while Y/N chooses a movie to watch. She picks Pretty Woman knowing Tony loves it but will pretend to hate it.

"Really? Pretty Woman, again?" Tony complains.

"Don't even start that shit, both you and I know that you love this movie." Y/N says. Tony lays down resting his head on Y/N's lap and she looks down and kisses Tony on his forehead.



"I love you too." Y/N says as she runs her hands through his hair. Tony smiles at her before turning to face the television.

Half way through the movie the food arrives and Tony protests on getting up from his comfy spot but after a couple of hits and threats from Y/N he gets up.

He comes back with the food, "You know you can't just withhold sex if I didn't get the food." Tony says sitting back on the couch. "That's just plain rude."

"Do you really want to test me?" Y/N asks raising her eyebrows.

"Nope, that's why I got the food." Tony says showing off the bag. They eat their food before Tony lays back down on Y/N's lap.

"I need a haircut. My hairs getting to long." Tony says.

"But I like your hair a little on the long side. I can play with it more." Y/N says.

"You're right, I'll keep it a little longer." He says with a silly smile.

They finish the movie and clean up before heading to bed together. "Goodnight Y/N, I love you."

"Goodnight, I love you too Tony."


Y/N gets up carefully, not to wake up Tony. She leaves the room in search of Loki. She goes to the library and finds Loki curled up on a couch with a book and a blanket with only a table lamp on.

"Hey." Y/N says sitting down beside Loki. "I'm guessing you heard what happened out there."

Loki puts down the book and turns to her, "Yeah I did, Romanoff filled me in."

"Do you think I should've killed him?" She asks, needing a second opinion from someone who understands where she's coming from.

"No, I think you did the right thing by stopping. If I was you, I don't know if I would have been strong enough to stop."

"Why?" Y/N asks, curious for the God's response.

"When you're the bad guy long enough you get used to killing and doing the wrong thing. So it's harder to stop." Loki explains.

"Yeah, I understand..." They sit in silence before Loki speaks up again.

"Does Stark really love you?" He asks.

"I hope so; I love him a lot." She says with a content smile, "Do you think so?" She asks.

"I don't know him well, but what I do know is how to read people. And by the way he looks at you, I can tell the only thing he feels is love for you." Loki reassures.

Y/N leaves the library a little later and goes back to Tony's room. She climbs into bed with Tony and snuggles up to him before falling asleep once again.

This is short because it's sort of a filler chapter. The next chapter should be better.

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