Chapter 25

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"Hello, Lady Y/N. I've been keeping a close eye on you.." Heimdal says with a bow to her as she and the asgardian brothers come though the bifrost.

"Hey, Heimdal!" Y/N says happily.

The Asgardian brothers walk to the palace with Y/N on the rainbow bridge. When they get there Frigga is the first one to welcome them.

"My sons! Welcome home!" Frigga says pulling them both into a hug. "And this must be the famous Y/N Y/L/N! I've heared so much about you, Loki never stops talking about how you're an amazing friend!" Frigga admits turning to Y/N and pulling her into a gentle hug.

"Hello, your Majesty! It's a pleasure meeting you!" she says.

"Oh Dear, theres no need for formality! Frigga is just fine." the queen laughs, she takes hold of Y/N hand and turns to the boys. "Now boys, go get cleaned up and I'll take care of Y/N."

Thor and Loki nod and head into the palace to their seperate rooms.

Frigga leads Y/N to her room for the week and sits her down on the silk covered bed. "So I took it upon myself to get you a couple dresses for the week, Loki thought you might want to imerse yourself into our culture a bit."

"That sounds amazing, thank you!'

Frigga rummaged through the cloest and pulls out a beautful green gown with gold details "Loki chose this one himself." She grabs a pair of heels and she hands them to Y/N, "Get changed and I'll show you around the palace in a little bit."

Frigga leaves the room and Y/N quickly throws on the dress and pulls her hair into a bun. She comes out of the room in the heavy dress and starts to walk down the hall looking for the queen, trying not to trip over her own feet.

After a little bit of wandering she finds Frigga talking to Loki. She quickly walks away and Loki turns to Y/N and comes to her side. "Mother got called into a counsel meeting, so you're stuck with me for the little tour." Loki says blankly.

"Great!" Y/N says with a smile and Loki grins lightly along.

"Nice dress by the way.." Loki quietly compliments.


She takes Loki's arm and he leads her to their first destination. He shows her where his room and Thor's is just in case she needs something, then the ballroom, the throne room, the dungons and the training arena.

They have one more spot for the day and thats the libary. "This is one of the best places on Asgard, in my opinion." Loki says standing in front of grand doors.

He opens them to reveal tall bookshelves full of books, theres a sliding ladder to get to the top shelves, as well as a second floor. In the middle of the room theres a seating area, with couches and chairs a like, as well as a grand fireplace.

Y/N steps in and takes in the amazing sight. "Oh my god, this is magical!"

Loki smiles at Y/N feeling the same about the libary as him, "Come, let me show you my favourite place in here."

He goes up a spirl staircase to the second level and goes to a corner of the room. He drags his finger over the spines of books lightly looking for a specific one. He finds it and pulls it out lightly, something clicks behind the wall and it opens like a door.

Behind the bookshelf door theres a room with two smaller bookshelves full of Loki's favourite books, as well as a couch and a couple bean bags.

"I go here when I need to escape or relax." Loki confesses, "You're welcome to come in here when ever you'd like, just pull on the copy of The Great Gatsby."

"That's so sweet Loki, thank you!" Y/N says. She takes a little risk and hugs him. He hugs her back lightly before pulling away and conjoring a book and sitting down on the couch. Y/N does the same, Loki had taught her how to conjure things early into their training, starting small with pens and working their way up.


A couple of hours later the two bookworms leave. Thor summoned them to meet his guests. There are two women arguing as Thor stands back and watches uncomfortably.

"Hey Thor, who're the ladies?" Y/N asks coming to his side.

The short one is Darcy Lewis, who shouldn't be here might I add, and the other is my lovely Jane Foster!" Thor annouces.

The two are are arguing about Darcy sneaking into the bifrost at the last second. She was supposed to stay in earth and take care of the lab.

Jane turns her back to Darcy and comes to Y/N. "Hey, I'm Jane Foster!" she says shaking her hand. Darcy comes behind and pushes Jane out of the way.

"And I'm the one and only Darcy Lewis!" she says with a higher pitched voice.

"It's nice to meet you both!" Y/N smiles brightly.


Y/N is laying on her bed, enjoying how soft it is when theres a knock on her door. She tells them to come in and it's the Queen.

"I'm so sorry Dear, I had ergent matters to atend. I hope Loki treated you well." she says.

"He was great!" The younger woman answers.

"I'm glad, dinner is very soon. I'll do your hair and makeup." she exclaims.

Frigga puts her hair into a bun made out of a braid with half her hair. She does a light green eyeshadow with a pink blush and lipgloss.

The two women head to the dining hall and sit in their spots. The queens spot is at the head of the table and Y/N's is by Loki and lady Sif.

As the servents bring in the food Sif turns her attention to Y/N, "I don't believe we had the pleasure to meet yet, I'm Sif. And you must be Y/N, correct?" she says.

"Yup thats me!"

The night goes on and lots of Asgardian mead was drinken and lots of heroic and funny stories were told. There was one where Loki turned into a snake and tricked Thor into picking him up before Loki turn back and stabbed him, they were only eight at the time. Thor didn't find it that funny then, nor now.

Another one was how Thor, Loki, Sif and their friends went to Jotunheim and beat up a bunch of Frost Giants almost causing another war.

Many hours later, Y/N heads back to her room and strips from her dress changing into something for sleeping. She then collapes into the bed falling asleep quickly, dreaming of her perfectly flawed boyfriend.

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