Truth or Dare

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****Delilah's POV****

"Ikenna" "Amber"

I was actually really shocked when those two names got read out, I think in the back of my mind you just presume it's going to be someone who's come in and not a original islander but this just proved to us all that none of us are safe. 

"You're going to be missed." I whispered to Ikenna as I gave him a hug goodbye. "Everyone loved you in here."

"Thank you." Even though I wasn't as close to him, I knew all the boys were and he did handle himself well with the whole Indiyah situation so I had to praise him for that. 

The goodbye to Amber was a bit more awkward, just a brief hug as she passed me in the hallway. After the conversation today I am quite glad she's going compared to the other girls who were at risk. There's not much that we could have said now, I wasn't going to let what she said hang over me and therefore there was no point in trying to get an explanation out of her just to soothe my mind. 

"I was not expecting that at all." Indiyah whispered after we all said goobye to the two of them and went back out into the garden. Jacques had pulled us both in his arms as we sat in the alcove. 

"It just goes to prove that nothing is certain in here, you've got to live every day and not have any regrets."

"Really true." I agreed with Jacques. "But I got you, everyone here loves you."

I could see she was struggling to hold it all in and shrugged out of the cuddle to walk away but I hated seeing my friends upset and followed after her. It's not the easiest to run in heels and I definitely looked a state but I couldn't have cared less as I chased after her, 

"Let it out," I whispered in her ear as I pulled her in for a hug. "Everything's going to be fine that's all you have to remember."

"I'm fine." She said after a while, pulling away from the hug. "It's just shit because I've already sent someone home and then two people who I'm really close to in here go..."

"It's not your fault."

"No, I know it's not my fault, it's just crap."

I moved the both of us into the kitchen to sit on the sofa there, her head resting on my shoulder. 

"Have you spoken to Dami?" I asked.

"You know what yeah, we spoke earlier and he was just saying obviously he was in a couple with Amber but he was open to getting to know me."

"Oh wow."

"And you know what, it just feels shit because it's like we was obviously going to tell Ikenna and Amber properly but we just didn't want to do it tonight, because it's just so soon and fresh. But now they're gone and we can't do that, you know what I mean?"

"That is a bit nuts but you've just got to think like there's nothing you can do now, it was out of your control and you can't let this affect your journey from now on. You would have liked to have done things differently but you've just got to live with how it is now."


That night it did feel really empty as we went to bed, Indiyah and Dami now had their beds to themselves and there were two less people running round getting ready. Overall it just felt really strange being without them. 

"How did you feel hearing them names being read out?" Jacques whispered as he pulled the covers over our heads to give us some privacy. 

"I was shitting it, I don't know what I would have done if you'd have gone. Like I said before, you've changed my time in here so much."

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