Love Island Summer Gala

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****Delilah's POV****

It felt weird to know that when I woke up that next morning I wouldn't be waking up here again, tonight I would be sleeping in a room on my own, well with Will, and wouldn't be sharing it with a group of people who I didn't know less than two months ago. 

"Good morning everyone!" Ekin shouted when she woke up. 

"This is the last good morning."

"I feel like since it's the last morning us boys should go and make you a celebratory drink." Dami said. 

"Drinks in bed."

"You girls stay in here and we'll go and get the goods." Will gave me a kiss as he stretched and finally got up from the bed, giving me more of the covers to cuddle into as I moved onto his pillow. 

"This is my life now," I couldn't actually believe I would be able to say that as the boys walked out. "I've got a guy making me a smoothie in his boxers."

"That's definitely a sight I could get used to with Davide."

The boys weren't long gone and returned with an alcoholic mix for us. "Thanks boys."

"Here's to being OG's in love, a couple of hopeless romantics turned into love birds."

"I've got a text." I shouted as we just chilled out in bed. "Islanders, tonight you will all attend the Love Island 2022 Summer Ball, but first it's time to brush up on your dance moves #strutyourstuff #salsawithextraspice."

"Delilah and Will I think this will be right up your street." Andrew smirked over at us. "You two are always using dancing as the language of love."

"Dancing as in just swaying in each other's arms, not doing the flamenco." 

We got changed into our bikinis and the dance teachers were there waiting for us. "It's lovely to be with you all today and we've come here today to give you a small class of hot latin dance." They introduced us to some of the moves and all I could think about was Danica throughout this because she would have been so much better than I was. "Use them like a pole and wrap your legs around them."

"You liking this?" I whispered to Will as I looked up to make eye contact with him. 

"I'm not complaining."

If there was any comment to be made about Will and I it definitely wasn't about the effort because we were both just having a laugh and gave it our all, the problem just came with our timing and fluency, we both just kept banging into each other as we moved around. 

Will: You was definitely the best out of the two of us but I don't think that's hard. We just had fun. 

Delilah: I couldn't stop laughing, we were never going to be the best so we just had to make some fun out of the situation 


Once the instructors left we thought we would have some time for ourselves but Indiyah soon got a text. "Girls, it's time to relax and unwind, please get ready to leave the villa #summerballready #findtheones."

We all kept in simple to go out, just chucking some shorts over our bikinis before making our way out of the villa. 

"Oh girls this is the best day out ever." Ekin said as we arrived at the spa to a little pool and sunbeds with strawberries and cocktails laid out for us. "I think we need a cheers."

"Cheers to being the final four, the fab four."

"Who needs men when you can just have a spa day."

Part of the day out though had to be spent writing our speeches for the gala to our partners and I knew I had to use this just to put my heart out there and show Will how much he has done for me in such a short period of time. 

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