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"Did you see how fahad won't stop looking at you?" Khairia said as we got ready to receive the bride.
"Like he should blink or something, he piss me off to no end" i mumbled and after a while i noticed khairia had stopped whatever she was doing, i looked at her.
"You don't know fahad" she crossed her arm.
"Should i?" I asked.
"He runs a real estate business, owns like 4 of them, and owns one of the biggest shipping company, plus he is Instagram famous, i mean he is super good looking" i raised my brow at her.
"He also hates people, the fact that he won't quit looking at you makes me think he likes you" i sigh.
"Babe, lets make this room already, get the coal" i said to her and she chuckled.
"Well, i would say yes if i were you" she mumbled.
"You are not me and won't be in sha Allah" i replied.
"Hey! Whats that supposed to mean" she protested.
"Don't wish yourself bad....." A knock and we both turned to the door.
"Who is it?" I asked pulling the duvet over the made bed for the bride.
"Its me" ya amir walked in.
"Shouldn't you be downstairs?" I asked.
"Yeah, i just wanted to talk to you" he said and i nod.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Uhm, you know my friend fahad...." I opened my mouth to cut him off.
"Can you trust me on this?" I shut my mouth and nod, he sigh.
"See,i don't know how to put it but please trust me on this, i will never lead you into danger again, never..." My face sadden.
"Ya amir, you didn't lead me to danger before" i said.
"I did, i was the one that did the background check, i collected your dowry from him, i practically send you to your death without proper check, i promise you this time its not the same, i have know fahad since primary school, just give him a chance" he said.
"I am not ready ya amir" i whispered.
"Why? Its been a year and some months" i gulped.
"I know, i just.... I don't know, and i still have scars, i am not that pretty and....
"Don't say that, we talked about this, you said you are fine, have you been lying to me?" I shook my head no.
"Then where is all this negativity coming from?" I looked down.
"Can't just forget what i lived with for a year" i swallowed not wanting to remember.
"Zahra?" I looked at him.
"You can't heal alone" i frown.
"I have you, mama, khairia and Hamid, i...
"You know what i mean" i bit my lip and looked at my hand, hiding away my tears from him.
"We are here but you know what i mean" i sniffed, he sighed.
"Will you think this through?" I nod.
"That's my girl" he got up just as khairia walked in with the hot charcoal.
"La, the bride is here, they want to start the budan kai and you are here" she said.
"If i knock your head ehn" she squealed and moved out of his way, she noticed.
"Did you cry?" I shook my head no.
"Why? Did ya amir said something?" She narrowed her eyes.
"Lets do quick" i said.
I smiled as he sprayed his wife money and then raised the veil,masha Allah.
"Hey" i turned a bit and met fahad standing next to me.
"Hi" i said, then it was a staring contest.
"Did you cry?" I looked away, how did he know?.
"I am fahad abdulhamid" he introduced.
"Zahra ibrahim" i replied.
"You caught my attention" he said and i chuckled turning to him fully.
"I noticed,you won't stop staring" i replied.
"You noticed" i shrugged.
"So, wanna exchange contact?" He asked.
"i have a kid" i declared.
"Cool, the contact" he said like i didn't tell him i have a baby.
"You don't care?" I asked.
"Should i?" He replied.
"See, i...
"Was married? Got pregnant without marriage, don't care, seriously you could tell me worst at this point i don't really care" i stood straight and cleared my throat.
"I... I was married" I mumbled taking his phone, i typed my number in and gave it to him, he dialed my phone that rings and then he smiled.
"See you around?" I nod and he walked away, i narrowed my eyes at his back.
"Oh My God" my narrowed eyes got even smaller at khairia.
"Not a word" i said and she laughed.
"Ok" she said and we watched..
The event was over and everyone is packed to leave, i drag my suitcase to the living room and got ready to take it to mama's car but fahad appeared.
"Morning" he beamed.
"Morning" i replied.
"They left" he declared and that Was when i noticed the absence of almost everyone i came with, i became very hot and almost lose my breath.
"Relax, i will take you home" i eyed him, i am alone, with him? What if....
"Hey" he stepped forward and i stepped back, he frowned.
"Listen to me" that even made it worst, why, i need to get out of here and i will get a public transport home..
"You are not breathing" his hand moved but i Flinched..
"I just want to get your attention, you need to breathe" i did and my vision blurred.
"Do you want to take a moment and step outside" i nod and rushed out, i tried to call Someone but my hand suddenly got too shaky for my own good.
"Hey" i turned around quickly.
"If you want i can find someone that will go with us" he suggested and i think it through, at this point i don't have a choise, so i agreed.
"Ok, just wait by the car" and i did, he shoved my things in the trunk and went into the house, he came back with a woman and a younger girl and we all piled into his black audi, the ride was silent and due to the mini panic i had i slept off minutes into the ride.

😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 what do you think?

SECOND TIME IS A CHARM? (Completed✅✔🇳🇬)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora