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Warning..... Violence ahead
I think this should be in the last passage too....🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐
She doesn't know how much i adore her, when i feel we are getting somewhere, she pack up again, i just want her to see i am not that demon, i want her to see she mean so much to me, i will do literally anything for her.
As i said i don't like people because i don't know them and i don't want to know them, nana had done all the niceness on my behalf, then the human i hated the most dared showed his stupid ugly face, the way she paled made we want to throw caution to the wind and beat his lights in.
"You are the ex?" I asked.
"We are not here for trouble young man, he regretted his actions and wants to make amends, his son is growing without knowing his father" i raised a brow.
"He regretted his actions? Do you?" My eyes finds his, he just seems annoyed like he was forced to be here.
"I do" he blowed.
"Good, then live with that regret, founders keepers right? She is mine now and i do anything for what is mine, here is a piece of advice,don't ever come back" i said.
"She rightfully belongs to me, who the hell are you anyways?" He spit.
"Rightfully yours? You think? You broke her and you will have to pry her off my dead cold hands, that wouldn't be hard for you,beating people to near death is your thing, i am fahad abdulhamid, the guy she is learning to trust and the guy who will do anything for her and i mean anything" i replied, from the looks on their faces they must have heard about me, good.
"don't show your face to her again, ever, you have done enough" i said looking at them each hoping they get the message...
I walked away, wanting to go back and beat his lights out but that wouldn't be good.
"Is he gone?" She asked her eyes big and filled with fear.
"Yeah and i hope forever" i replied.
"You shouldn't have been involved in this he is...
"Is nothing, one on one i will send him to hospital in seconds, relax ok?" I told her and she nods, then her eyes went wide again.
"What if he wants to take hamid? Oh My God, is it possible?, can he.."
"Die already, calm down zahra, he would have to go through all of us to get to you or even hamid" khairia announced handing her water.
"Drink and relax" she said sitting down.
"He is so shameless showing up here, like he didn't show up at the hospital, he didn't even showed up at all, until now" khairia fumed, i noticed zahra is getting really uncomfortable.
"We should stop talking about that idiot" i said sitting down, they all agreed, mama joined us later and we had discussions that took her mind off him..
I dropped them off with a promise to be back before they are done, but khairia calling me crying and abba crying even louder...
"Fahad he is here, inallillahi, he is hitting her its horrible" she cried, i didn't fuel the car, but i just left, i haven't even gone far, her words hunt me.... How i got to the mall was beyond me but landing those blows had given me some type of relief...
I shouldn't have left, seeing her swollen eyes and bursted lips and bruised nose makes me want to go back and punch him even harder, the grip i had on the steering wheel is painful, the painkiller had kicked in and she is laying down at the back of the car, abdulhamid sleeping in khairia hand who looks disturbed.
"She will be fine" i promised her.
"You didn't see, he had his knee on her head, her hair in his hands and repeatly hit her on the face, you didn't see the look on his face, she couldn't move fahad, she could only cry..." Her voice broke..
"You didn't hear her cry" she wiped her tears and i gritted my teeth...
"I shouldn't have left" i said.
"I wondered if that was how he have been hitting her, holding her in place and beating her up" she shuddered.
"How many times did it happened when they where together?" I asked.
"We never know, she wasn't here, when mama went to bath her for child birth she said he was absent all through out her stay, she thought he was giving them space but then 2 days after she came back, we got the call, the gateman had called the soldiers guarding their estate to rescue her, she was in pool of her own blood, she is still healing from childbirth, abdulhamid on the floor next to them crying, he was saying he will kill her, and she was...... We only saw pictures it was horrible now seeing this, i don't even want to imagine that day" i sniffed.
"She is so good, why do bad things happen to good people?" She asked, i glanced at her through the rearview mirror, my heart breaking for her.
"I don't know what this will bring up, she had it under control and he showed up" she suddenly got angry.
"She worked so hard" she said louder than needed and abdulhamid made a noise, she rocked him back to sleep, we got home.
"Zahra?" She opened her eyes, almost panicking, i pulled back and her eyes scanned the area.
"We are here" i said and she sat up, holding her head..
"It wasn't a dream" she mumbled to herself before getting down from the car and carefully going into her room, i wanted to believe this will be her worst but then again, fate always finds its way to play as it should have been......

SECOND TIME IS A CHARM? (Completed✅✔🇳🇬)Where stories live. Discover now