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More warning 🥺🥺🥺😥😥😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢
The case wasn't something they considered serious so they let him free, fahad won't go away, he is always here, my eyes now spotting black and the bruises a dark dull mark fading away, i can't even hold back the flash backs, it plays like it was yesterday.
"I need you" he stood threatening by the door and i stood up instantly, i leanred not to sit while he is standing the pain comes later than when i sit and he could overpower me easily.
"I haven't healed yet, please" i begged him.
"I told you i didn't want a baby, you wanted one, i don't...
"Please don't say things like this to his ears" he glared at me and i shut my mouth..
"You are even talking back to me" he said stepping into the room.
"I am.sorry" i said and like my baby sensed it he started crying.
"Shut him up" he hissed and i didn't even get to attempt before i was shoved hard.
"Make his keep quiet" i fell painfully making sure he is still in my hands..
"Whether you like it or not i am taking my right" he came at me and i dropped Abdulhamid, i grip his hand that was about lifting my clothes and he looked at me.
"Are you going to hit me?" I quickly let go and started hitting me, he got up and kept kicking and stumping on me, i was crying, abdulhamid was crying and he wouldn't stop, i feel the blood flowing out of me, i got tired of trying to evade his hit, i felt drained and his hand wrapped around my neck, i was too weak to struggle and i thought i died but i opened my eyes and saw ya amir ,mama and khairia........
Babies feel when something will happen, they give warning but we don't see them, abdulhamid hamid wouldn't stop crying today and he won't let anybody carry him, i thought may be he was sick but he will look me in the eyes and then cry, hug me and cry, its a sudden behaviour and unlike him, i had dropped him to go make some food for him, he stopped  crying a while back mama and khairia had gone to the market and it was just us,my phone ringed and i went to pick it.
"Hey" fahad greeted and i smiled.
"How are you?" He asked and i sigh.
"Fine" i mumbled.
"He stopped crying?" He asked.
"Yeah, making...." I heard some noise like the door closing..
"What is it?" Fahad asked.
"I heard the door close" i said.
"Where is he?" He asked and a sudden feeling of fear and panic Washed over me.
"Oh God" i ended the call and went to the living room, abdulhamid is not there, i quickly dailed fahads number.
"He is gone!, he is gone!, i cant find him" i said my voice shaking.
"I will be there soon, don't go out" he said and i looked around the house, i heard 2 cars pull in, and the door opened.
"I can't find him anywhere" i said.
"Lets check the whole house, i called the police" fahad said and we split up, i looked everywhere, behind the house and even the store, then i heard khairia scream, i felt chill down my whole body.
"God please no...." I ran towards the direction it was from the visitors room and when i got there mama hold me from going into the bathroom, fahad was kneeling over abdulhamid, khairia was on the floor..
"What is it?" I asked, mama tried to drag me out of the room..
"Mama?" I asked, she was crying, everyone was crying..
"Why are you crying? Is something wrong?" I asked, she just hold onto me and it clicked.
"Oh God, no!! Please not him! Fahad! Don't let him die! Innalillahi wa ina illahi rajiun, mama! Let me go to him" i pleaded.
"I can't let you" she said.
"Please!" I tried to fight her off but she seems so strong suddenly....
I don't know how i ended up being held by fahad, he is currently holding me down..
"Let me go to him" i cried, he wouldn't answer me, or let me go, khairia is crying and shaking as mama console her...
"Fahad if my baby go i won't ever forgive you" i cried, he sniffed.
"Please calm down, you will hurt yourself" he said.
"I want my baby!! I want my son!" I screamed.
"Innallillahi wa ina illaihi rajiun" fahad said.
"Let me go" i pleaded.
"I will, when you stop trying to leave the house" he said.
"Can i see him?" I asked.
"Yes, but not like this" i nod..
"I want to see him, he is still alive, he was crying earlier, you heard it right? He was crying because he wants me and now you won't let me go?" I begged fahad but he was holding onto me and after what felt like forever i heard them praying for my son and the last thing i remembered was seeing fahads face....

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