Chapter 2

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Yeji's sat across from Ryujin in Red Velvet Cafe with a heavy silence accompanying them.

After that fiasco out in the park, Yeji offered to buy Ryujin coffee as a thank you and to give her an explanation.

She honestly didn't expect her to accept but here they were, sitting across from each other. An iced mocha in front of Ryujin and a chai latte for Yeji.

"Thank you again, for helping me." Yeji starts, eyes nervously flicking up to look at Ryujin. "I know I didn't give you much choice but I'm still thankful."

"How long has he been bothering you?" Ryujin asks after a long moment. She takes a sip from her drink.

"More than a few weeks now."

"Then don't worry about it." The younger girl says.

Yeji opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

That heavy silence falls upon them once again.

Yeji doesn't know what to do. It's been almost 3 years since Ryujin walked out of her apartment and walked out of Yeji's life. How exactly does one act around your ex when things were left like that?

"So how have you been?" Yeji suddenly asks, her mouth moving before her mind could even comprehend it.

Despite these confused feelings she holds for the raven haired girl sitting across from her, she's still rather curious to hear how her life is going for her from Ryujin herself.

If Ryujin's surprised that Yeji asked, she doesn't show it. "I'm good. Quite busy but it's apart of the job."

Despite how much it hurts, Yeji checks on Ryujin's career every once in a while. Her heart bursting at the seams when she sees how happy the younger is on stage. When Ryujin debuted two years ago, Yeji wanted to contact her to congratulate her on her debut.

But she didn't.

"How is it?" Yeji asks.

A small smile makes its way on Ryujin's face, she doesn't make eye contact with Yeji though. Instead opting to look at her drink that's on the table. "It hasn't been easy but I think it's worthwhile, you know? And I'm happy."

The smile on Ryujin's face paired with the softness in her voice tells Yeji all she needs to know.

She's moved on.

Ryujin's moved on.

It was only natural, Yeji thinks.

But it hurts more than she thought it would.

Silence settles between them before Ryujin clears her throat to gain Yeji's attention.

"Look, I—" The younger is interrupted when the phone in her pocket starts vibrating, she quickly pulls it out and reads the screen. She sighs and gets ready to leave.

"I have to go." Ryujin says as she stands up.

Yeji flails for a response. "Oh uh—"

"It was nice seeing you again Yeji. Really." She pauses for a moment before flashing her a small smile. "Good luck with school."

All the older could do was watch as Ryujin exited Red Velvet Cafe hurriedly.

A small part of Yeji hoped the whisker dimpled girl would turn back.

She didn't.


"An idol?" Yeji asks with a furrowed brow.

Ryujin lets our a shaky sigh, "Y-yeah... I' got scouted when I went to that GOT7 Fanmeet, and- I don't know, I think i'd really like to become an idol. Perform in front of an audience and all that." She finishes shyly.

Yeji smiles brightly at her girlfriend then practically lunges at her for a hug, then starts peppering kisses across Ryujin's face. The younger girl giggles at Yeji's actions but welcomes it nonetheless.

"That sounds great! I know you'd be an amazing idol, baby!" Yeji gives Ryujin a tender kiss on the lips but pulls back before the younger has a chance to deepen it. She giggles at the pout on Ryujin's face.

"So, what exactly is the process?" She asks

Ryujin beams then goes on tangent about what she has to do. From the auditioning to getting accepted as a trainee to actually training and then hopefully and eventually debuting.

Yeji can only nod and smile fondly as she watches Ryujin glow while explaining. It's as if she found a new purpose.

The brunette only hopes Ryujin achieves her dreams.


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