Chapter 7

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Yeji finds herself sitting in one of the individual art booths on campus with an empty canvas facing her.

Even before her and Ryujin first became girlfriends in highschool, Yeji had a talent and a love for painting. She practically thrived in her art subjects at school, as well as it being her favourite past time.

Despite her love and eye for painting, she decided it was best to keep it as hobby, and to instead go into business and accounting in university.

(Her reasoning behind not choosing to study painting in the first place may or may not be because the past time reminded her too much of a certain whisker dimpled girl at the time of when she was choosing her course for university.)

Despite not being apart of the art department in any way, Yeji still has access to the individual art booths, where art students can use them to create any sort of art they want, whether it be printmaking or painting or pastels or charcoal.

It was one day when Yeji was painting in her travel booklet using her pocket sized gauche kit at a seating area near the art building when Ms. Park, or Rosé as she prefers, saw Yeji painting and praised her painting skills.

She asked what course Yeji takes as she doesn't seem to recall ever seeing the brunette anywhere near the art building, to which Yeji replied that she was taking business and accounting.

Rosé thought it was a waste of a talent to not try and further improve Yeji's work but she insisted that she was content with it staying as a hobby.

From then Rosé offered to let Yeji use the individual art booths as a place for her to paint in peace. Yeji gratefully took her up on the offer.

Which leads back to Yeji sitting in said individual art booth with an empty canvas staring back at her.

Todays one of those days where Yeji just can't seem to paint anything, nor make a single stroke on the canvas.

Yeji was about to pack up and call it a day when her phone vibrates in her pocket, she pulls it out to see Ryujin texted her.

ryujin: hey, are u doing anything rn?

yeji: hi! uh not really, im just on campus painting

A texting bubble appears for a second then disappears, only to come back again.

ryujin: can i join u?

Yeji blinks at Ryujin's text.

ryujin: jihyo told me to try reach out to u again for our next 'date'

yeji: oh

yeji: yeah you can join me,
im just painting though, nothing interesting

ryujin: ok, ill meet u outside ur campus then

Yeji's currently standing near the main entrance of her university, waiting for a certain soloist to make her appearance.

She checks her phone for the 10th time in the past 5 minutes when she sees a familiar figure walking towards her, wearing a hat and mask which covers most of her face.

Ryujin spots her then walks towards her till they're facing each other, "Hey."

"Hey, ready to go in?"

Ryujin nods, then Yeji sets off to lead them to the art building where the individual painting booths are.

They're about halfway to their destination when Yeji realises the handful of eyes on them.

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