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TW: brief description of blood

George's pov

As Claudia walks away, her flared skirt swishes left to right. Her dark, black hair falls a few inches below her shoulders. When she turns to face us, I notice her defined jawline, forward set eyes, and small but full lips.

"Who does she think she is?" Ron spits.

I turn my focus away from Claudia and to Fred. He raises his eyebrows and shrugs nonchalantly.

"She'll scare everyone away by telling them that she's Snape's daughter."

"Why are you so bitter, Ron?" Snaps Ginny.

"Maybe Ron has a point," Harry says, looking quickly between Ron and Ginny. "Snape has always had it out for us. Who says she'll be any different."

"See Harry gets it," shouts Ron. He's startled eyes are surprised at how loud that was. "She'll only bring us more trouble."

I glance at Fred, he's looking between the two of them. A rigid expression is on his face.

"Rubbish," I mumble softly.

"What was that again, George?" Asks Ron, slightly raising his voice.

"I said 'rubbish,'" I say again, annoyed.

"And what does that exactly mean?" Ron questions, his tone matching mine.

"Don't you two ever stop to think that maybe you're the problem?" I ask, "Maybe something inside of you is seeking the trouble you get into?"

Harry scoffs, and Ron goes to speak but Fred interrupts him.

"Snape doesn't like us one bit, and yet you don't see us projecting onto some innocent girl just trying to be friendly."

Ron shakes his head, "just because she's the first girl you've seen this summer besides mum, Ginny, and Hermione, doesn't mean you have to defend her."

"Don't you think you're a little extreme, Ron?" I ask, testing his patience.

"I don't know how you trust her!" Ron says, "She—"

"'She'  has a name, Ron!" Yells Hermione, causing a few heads to turn our way.

Fred laughs, "just because you don't like yours, Ronniekins, doesn't mean you can't use Claudia's."

Claudia returns to the table, holding a tray full of muffins, pumpkin juice, and other baked goods. Her warm smile greets us again.

"Do you mind moving my stuff?" She asks me.

I grab the tote bag and her wand before moving it in front of myself. Her hair falls into her face as she puts the tray down and sits. Her side profile is delicate and lifted.

"Did you visit Borgin and Burkes, Claudia?" Hermione questions, almost hesitantly while grabbing a goblet of pumpkin juice.

"More questions," she says, sarcastically, "goodie."

"Oh, I didn't mean-"

"You're fine," Claudia smiles. "I draw the line at giving you all my social security number though."

Hermione and Ginny laugh. Ron grabs Claudia's wand, moving it out of his way.  Ginny sends him a death glare. Startled, he drops it... right into the candle it was hovering above.

Without missing a beat, Harry mutters "Aguamenti!" The force of the water hits the weak spot that just caught fire, and the wand snaps into two.

"Way to go guys," Fred says sarcastically.

Harry stutters, trying to form an apology. Claudia's eyes are wide as she looks between the two, broken pieces.

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