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TW: mentions of party... again.

"What's on your mind, Claudia?" Evangeline asks, "you look flustered."

"God, Eve," Cedric says, "I wonder why."

"Well I'm sorry I wasn't there to witness everything."

I look between the two of them. Neither of them know the full story of what happened before Adrian tried to drug me. They both would freak out if they knew. Even though I probably should, I really can't tell them about what just happened between Adrian and I. I still just need time to think about it by myself.

"Nothing," I say, softly. I poke at my food in front of me, trying to process my last encounter. He seems to be the kind, charming boy I met in the courtyard. With that being said, something in my gut still churns when I think about talking to him for more than a few minutes. Can I forgive him? Is the situation worth all of the thought?

A voice from the edge of the table speaks up. "What happened yesterday?"

Eve frowns. "Nothing that's important to you."

Rosa mumbles something before looking between the four of us. Apparently while I was gone Rosa lashed out at Layla and Evangeline for not including her in anything. Regardless of how long she's known them, she never seems to try to maintain a friendship. She's always running to somewhere or someone else. She doesn't bother to talk to us, so why should we bother to reach out? We only see her every other morning.

"Evangeline!" Cedric scolds. He gives Rosa a weak smile.

Owls suddenly soar through the great hall. At least a hundred owls land throughout the four tables. I look for Harriet, and I don't see her in the group. I'm not expecting that quick of a response, but part of me aches for a response from Opal. A familiar dark brown owl soars over the Hufflepuff table, and to my father.

Is this Lucius' response to my fathers letter? I still want to know why they were discussing Sirius Black. Surely they weren't trying to communicate with him, were they? Molly telling me about how they were in the same year sticks with me. I watch my father as he opens the letter, carefully. Without a word to the rest of the staff, he gets up and quickly leaves. I glance towards the Slytherin table and I notice that Adrian isn't there. Draco is, and he's looking at me with intense eyes.

He grabs a piece of paper from his pocket. He quickly jots something down before handing the note to the Hufflepuff boy behind him. I watch as the note moves down the table, and eventually falls into Cedric's hand. He passes it to me, a weary look on his face.

I unfold the note, and see one, small sentence.

You ignored me.

Cedric looks over my shoulder, and scowls at the note. "I could kill him and Pucey. They've both been getting on my nerves for years, and I finally have an excuse now."

I don't say anything. Evangeline is by my side, but I can't help but feel that Draco is blaming me. I can't help but feel I'm disappointing him. He warned me and I... ignored him. I chose my own wants before my friends opinions and warning.

Students begin to trickle out of the great hall in small groups. My eye is caught to a familiar, Ravenclaw girl. She's laughing with one of her friends, walking away from the table. I remember her thick, Scottish accent from last night.

"Does anyone know who that Ravenclaw is?" I ask, turning towards her.

Cedric turns then does a quick double take. "She's pretty," he mumbles.

"She's my cousin."

Our eyes all go to Layla, who is looking towards the girl with an odd expression on her face. Cedric smirks, not hiding his blush. He lets out a small chuckle before turning to look back towards her.

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