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A/N: Adrian and Claudia's song at this point in the story would be "gold rush" by Taylor Swift.

Two months ago, if someone would have told me that I was running down a corridor, hand in hand with Adrian Pucey, I wouldn't have believed them. Now, I find myself doing that very thing.

Dimmed sunlight pours through the windows, and the clouds outside are magnificent shades of gray and blue. I've always liked storm clouds, probably because of my grandmother. She would always mention that I "was like a cloud." Delicate and cheerful, but ready to pour if the situation called for it. I smile, and I notice Adrian looking at me, a similar expression on his face. For the first time in awhile, I feel free. I don't have confusing emotions for Cedric weighing me down at the moment. Whatever fear I had regarding Adrian is also being slowly lifted. It feels nice to not have anything dragging me around, and I feel like that's partially because of the sudden kindness Adrian is showing me.

We don't talk as we climb into a windowsill overlooking the Black Lake. It's a comfortable silence. One in which you know that you don't need to talk, but simply be in the presence of another person. I'm pretty sure the last time I sat in a windowsill with my own thoughts is also the last time I was in my grandmothers house. Then I was dreadfully waiting for something to end, now I feel that I'm on the border of something new. The air feels cold next to the window as the bitter November winds dance by just on the other side of the glass.

Adrian's soft smile catches my eye. For the first time I realize how attractive he actually is. His dark eyes matches his chestnut hair, and his green tie seems to bounce off of his paler skin without drawing attention from his face. His eyebrows furrow upwards as he begins to ask a question. "What are you thinking about, Prince?"

I shrug, looking out onto the lush grounds below. Snow is beginning to fall in light coats that seem to melt the second it hits the floor. The flurries are rather large, and seem to have a mind of its own as they both around in indistinct paths. "Quite a bit," I reply.

"Well," he states after a moment of consideration, "where should we start?"

I let out a sigh, looking into his deep brown eyes. "I'm thinking about the snow, I've always loved snow. My grandmother, Cedric—"

"Diggory?" He cuts in.

I nod, hesitating before I finish my thought, "and you."

His smile seems to dim as he returns my eye contact. "I've been thinking about you, too."

"Yeah?" I question, "What about me?" I bring one of my legs tight to my chest, watching as his expression changes.

"How badly I want you to forgive me," he states. Before I can say anything, he continues on with his ramble. "I was awful, truly awful, and you didn't deserve any of that. I just— something possessed me, I must've had too much to drink. That's not an excuse, but I want you to forgive me, and I know you can't."

My fathers words seem to ring in my head. He wasn't scolding me earlier, it was almost a warning. I wonder if Adrian knows what he means when there's something bigger going on. Does it have anything to do with Sirius Black? Then again, why would my relationship with a boy that's wronged me have anything to do with Sirius Black?

"Maybe I can forgive you," I whisper.

Adrian's eyebrows lift, a shocked expression forming on his face. "You really mean it?"

I slowly nod, "it'll be for the best. Something about not having to hold a grudge against you has felt like a huge release."

"Claudia, you don't know how much better I feel," he confessed.

I nod, firmly. "What you did was still wrong, but I think we can move on."

Adrian smiles, "together?"

"Together," I respond.

We once again go quiet, and I watch as Adrian peers out the window. His eyes seem to be darting around with a certain level of attentiveness. "What was the other thing bothering you?" He asks, a genuine sound in his voice.

I let out a forced laugh. "It'll sound stupid."

He frowns, "I doubt it. If it's hurting you it has to mean something."

I sigh, "Cedric Dig—" I suddenly feel myself choke up, not able to finish my sentence.

Adrian suddenly sits up straight, and his eyebrows furrow. I shake my head, suddenly flustered.

"I promised myself I wouldn't cry about it anymore," I sigh.

"He broke your heart now that he's with Rosa, didn't he?" Adrian mumbles.

I nod, quickly wiping a tear that threatens to spill over onto my warm cheeks.

"Claudia, you're too good for him," Adrian scoffs. "I know that doesn't help, but maybe it's for the best."

I put on a smile, "maybe it is. He probably would've left me for another girl after a week..." I pause, collecting my thoughts. "It would have been nice to try though."

Adrian smiles, "you're going to beat yourself up thinking about all of the what if's." He extends his pinky towards me, and I let out a giggle. "No more tears, okay?"

I nod, "No more tears." I cross my finger with his, and our hands linger there before they fall to our either side.

Suddenly, the charms classroom opens, and seventh year students file out, most with exhausted, defeated faces. Professor Flitwick is yelling something in the background, but I can't make it out.

"Well," Adrian says, a disappointed tone in his voice. "I have charms this block." I nod, watching as he stands, straightening his robe. "Will I see you on the Quidditch pitch the next Hufflepuff-Slytherin game?"

A playful smile toys on my lips. "Hopefully before then. We're potions partners, after all."

He laughs, shaking his head as he turns, walking into the empty classroom. I glance out the window one last time before heading to Muggle Studies. I really hope that this friendship stays sunny, and clear of storm clouds.

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now