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Yesterday was rough.

After that flashback; I remember going on break and crying in the bathroom for 10 minutes. I grimaced slightly at the memory.

But, hey, at least today was better.

It was about almost time for my shift to end. I stared at the darkening sky from the window across the counter. At the table closest to the counter, there sat Gael in his signature spot. His hands typed across his laptop that sat at the table in front of him. Having said he had to work on the project still, there has been minimal talk between us since then, as we sat in a peaceful silence together, enjoying each other's presence.

As usual, there were very few customers around this time. Thankfully, giving me time to clean around before the person with the next shift comes in. It also gave me time to collect my thoughts and to think about what I should do; 'Cause this whole 'hold all my emotions in thing' isn't working out as I had hoped.

I had also recently figured out that Gael had somehow learned the times where my shift starts, so that he'd be able to come in at the times where I work. It's a little weird but in a cute way. You don't see me complaining. It's nice to have a friend to talk to on shift.

I pushed the door open to the backroom, walking inside. I did my usual end-of-shift routine, taking off my apron and so on. To make it easier for the next worker to come in, I checked the food's expired dates for them. I wrote a small note and stuck it to the wall near the aprons. After checking that everything in the back room was good, I pushed the door open, exiting the dim room.

I spoke up, "My shift is about to end in 5 minutes," I said turning to Gael, "Are you gonna be staying here?". I watched as Gael lifted his hands above his head, stretching with a slight groan, and sat up straight. "I'm not sure. I'll probably leave when you leave." He said, and I bit back a smile.

I made my way from behind the counter, walking over to Gael. "You've been working for a while now. Can I see what you got? I could give some tips?" I asked, leaning closer to his laptop, trying to peek at what he was working on.

I flinched back as he swiftly slammed his laptop shut. He cleared his throat, looking up at me as I stared at him, confused. "It's not very good, I still need to edit it." he laughed, awkwardly. He took his laptop and slid it into the bag that he brought with him. I backed up a bit. "I'm sure it's not as bad as you say it is," I said, trying to relieve the awkward atmosphere. Gael huffed lightly, smiling at me, "You'd be surprised. It honestly looks like one of those fill-in-the-blank stories you'd do as a kid."

I laughed, "Damn, really that bad huh?" Gael nodded, standing from his seat. Through the window, I observed a familiar-looking car drive into the parking lot, it's light shining through the glass. Knowing the car's owner, my eyes widened as I scrunched my face in disdain.

Ugh, Trevor.

At seeing my face, Gael looked at me, confused. He followed where my eyes were looking as he also stared at the obnoxiously red car that blasted music as it parked.

Maybe I could quickly leave before he sees me?

"Uh- I'm gonna be heading out now, my shift is over," I said, rushing to the exit. Gael did a double-take as he saw me move across the room with impressive speed. "Ah- wait!" I hear Gael say as he speed-walked over to me. "Can I walk you to your car?" He said, looking a little nervous. My heart swelled a little at how cute it was.

"Of course," I said, unable to control the dopey smile that crept up on my face, momentarily forgetting what I was doing. Regaining my composure, I spotted Trevor moving towards the building with concerning speed. "But, we'll have to be fast," I said, hurrying toward the doors with Gael following behind. I held the door open for Gael before practically sprinting to my car.

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