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You were sick of this.

You were tired of playing a game of cat and mouse with the shitstorm that is stalking you. You were done with cowering away and letting the asshole walk all over you, teasing you, mocking you, ruining what you had with their presence. All you wanted was for your life to go back to the way it was; calm and peaceful. They've gotten more confident ever since the bacon and egg incident by starting to put notes around your house with cryptic messages on them, leaving your doors and windows unlocked, making you see shadows in the corner of your eye, ominous figures lurking in the dark but when you turn the light on there's nothing there. 

They were playing with you and you were terrified, but most of all, you were enraged. And you'd do almost anything to ensure your safety from the murderer who was messing around you. So, you used your absolute genius brain to do the best thing possible. 

You were going to install cameras.

And where is the best place to get cheap cameras?


You'd be damned if you let the stalker simply get away with ruining your life once more. You were going to get evidence and present it to the police so they can finally realize that you were indeed not crazy and are genuinely in danger. 

So, currently, you were prowling around through target, looking at the different cameras that you could discreetly put around your apartment. Leaning on your shopping cart, you grimaced at the prices in front of you.

You were hoping that you could find a cheap camera, but the prices were looking intimidating. You rubbed the space between your eyebrows, stress evident on your face as you tried to figure out how you were going to pay this off. You sighed, grabbing the lowest-priced camera and adding it to your cart. Even though it was the lowest priced, it was still pretty expensive. At least with your paycheck, it was.

You scanned the aisle once more, praying silently that there was a less expensive one that you hadn't seen. When you saw that you had no luck whatsoever with finding anything inexpensive, you left the aisle.

Weaving between isles, you made your way to the checkout.

While passing through the aisles, in one very specific aisle you decided to slow down. You stared at the useful items that lay on the shelves in front of you. A cruel grin formed on your face as you stared down at the self-defense equipment that stood in front of you.

Now, this is something you wouldn't mind spending your money on.

Sweet, sweet payback.

You grabbed the items with an evil laugh, adding it to your cart. 

– – –

You had gotten more than you should have, but you regretted nothing.

You stared at the home camera in your hands with an evil smirk. You could practically taste the freedom and safety you'd get after you ratted the stalker's ass to the police, showing them the evidence and finally being safe. Going on with your life as if nothing had happened, totally ignoring the trauma that you totally didn't get from all of this. 

You rubbed your thumb over the home camera affectionately in your hands. This little baby gonna guarantee me safety from them. Or at least I hope it is. You lifted the camera up, putting a dramatic kiss on the side of it. 

You scanned your apartment, trying to decide the best place to put it. You walked over to your kitchen counter, putting the camera down in an area where you can see both the kitchen and the living room. You frowned lightly at the camera. It's too obvious. If they come inside my house and see it, they could break it and then there goes my freedom and my money. 

Hunted (Yandere! Killers x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now