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Having to go through the painful healing process was a struggle, but you finally got back to work and started doing something other than staying at your anxiety-inducing apartment. Gael had decided he'd stay at your place till you would be able to leave to go to Eliza's house. You were practically counting down the minutes till you could go to Eliza's. Eliza promised you that you'd be able to stay at her place in just a couple of days and apologized for the wait. You hope that she's a woman of her word.

It felt comforting with Gael at your apartment. It was like you had a roommate. Gael had been a total help, but sometimes he felt less like a helpful friend and more like a mother. His eyes would follow you around and he'd try to assist you with things you didn't really need help with. You appreciated the help, but it sometimes can be a bit much.

Luckily, Gael's frequent presence in your life seemed to have scared the masked murderer away for now. You didn't feel their prying eyes when you were alone and no feelings of chills down your spine when you passed by dark corners. It was giving you a false sense of safety and left you confused. You didn't know if you could trust it quite yet.

It was currently around evening, the sun poking low under the horizon. It cast a nice glow in the shop as you cleaned up. The soft tunes of Lo-Fi music resonated through the shop. There had only been a couple people that came during your shift. Luckily, you didn't have to do much work today. The shop was mostly empty at the moment. Other than you and Gael, there were only two other people in the shop and they seemed to be packing up.

Waiting patiently for you to finish cleaning and organizing the counters for the next shift, Gael watched you as you worked. You took a brief look at him, sending a smile before returning back to your task. Once you finished, you clocked out and put your apron away. You could already see Clara's car drive into the Coffee shop's parking lot. You could hear the loud rumble of her car and the sound of some catchy pop song as she parked.

When you brought your attention back to Gael, he was standing, leaning against the counter with his car keys in his hand. "Ready to go?" He said and I nodded. I waved to Clara through the shop's glass as she left her car. While we walked toward the exit, Gael turned to me. "Do you have anything planned later?" He asked. I lifted an eyebrow curiously and searched my brain to see if I had anything planned. "Mmm, not really. I'm probably just gonna go home." You said, pressing your lips in a thin line at the thought of returning to the apartment. Gael knew that expression all too well. You were dreading heading back to that apartment.

"How about this," He started, "Me and Rory were going to get some drinks later. You could join us?" Gael stared at you hopefully, anticipating your answer. You bit your lip in conflict. On one hand, you don't really feel like going out right now. But on another hand, you really don't want to head back to your apartment. Gael's face fell when he noticed the hesitance in your expression. "C'mon, (Y/n). You haven't gone out in a while and I know how you hate returning back to your apartment. Join us." He said, searching your expression for any change.

He was right, you haven't gone out in a while. You mostly avoided setting with a lot of people or with very few. You'd just go to work, college, then straight home. Having a stalker took a huge chunk out of your social life. You sighed, "I don't know... I probably won't-"

"I'll pay for you if you go." He quickly said.

Your eyebrows jumped at that. You stared at him for a moment, contemplating your decision. You don't get free drinks very often and this seemed like a one-and-done deal. You bit your lip and let out a small smile.

How could you ever say no to free drinks?


The atmosphere was bustling around you as soon as you walked into the bar. Loud chatter from customers, the sound of clinking glasses and cheers as people watched the television that showcased some type of sports event, and the sound of some music blasting in the background surrounded you. You practically immediately felt like an alien in the crowded establishment. It has been so long since you've been to a place like this. It felt so unfamiliar.

Hunted (Yandere! Killers x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now